
来源 :吐鲁番 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anxbbs
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一今年入夏以来,碰上X年一遇的高温大旱,广大群众经历着严重的干旱和用水荒。柳万被单位安排下乡抗旱。柳万一个溜达到了铜宝新城一家茶馆,想约老范出来诉诉苦。老范是他同学,同学会秘书长,这家伙,能把野猪说成大象是正常,能把乌鸦说成黑的就不正常。这次下乡时间长,交通不便利,生活环境不用说,回来一趟都很难,真是心烦透了。这时,电话响起来,是家里。老婆火急火燎地说:“柳条哥在家呐,有急事找你。”这下打消了他闲聊的念头,在路旁等公汽。 Since the beginning of this year, it has hit a hot and humid drought once every year in X years. The vast majority of the people have experienced serious drought and water shortage. Liu Wan units were arranged to fight the drought in rural areas. Willow wandering to a Tongbao Metro a teahouse, would like to tell about the old Fan complained bitter. Old Fan is his classmates, students, the Secretary-General, this guy, can be described as an elephant wild boar is normal, crows can be described as black is not normal. This time to the countryside for a long time, transportation is not convenient, living environment needless to say, come back a trip is difficult, really upset. At this time, the phone rang, is at home. His wife frantic: “wicker brother at home na, there is a hurry to find you. ” This is to dispel the idea of ​​his chat, the bus on the roadside.
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