
来源 :人民文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wl281472
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这次十月号「人民文学」,注意刊登了较多的短篇作品,是值得欢迎的现象,我们希望今后有更多的作家写这种短小的作品。作为一个读者来说,我愿意讲几句话。工人同志们殷切期待「人民文学」给予他们所需要的东西。但过去的情况是难以令人满意的,「人民文学」经常是过多的刊登了冗长的短篇、中篇、长篇小说,真正能够及时反映现实生活的短小精悍的作品,从所占篇幅的份量来看,是少得可怜的。过去,我总认为「人民文学」是作家协会主办的刊物,写文章的都是有名的作家,作家或许就非写得这样长不可吧!应该说这种想法是不完全恰当的。工人同志每天除了紧张的生产以外,业余时间里他们也不放松自己,他们参加各种各样的学习,包括政治方面的、文化方面的、技术方面的学习,他样参加若其他类型适合自己爱好的社会活动。……在这种情况下,他们时间是不多的,如果文章太长,而且又写得不好,他们是很难看下去的。 This October issue of “People’s Literature,” paying attention to publishing more short pieces of works is a welcome phenomenon. We hope that more writers will write such short pieces in the future. As a reader, I am willing to say a few words. The workers’ comrades earnestly look forward to what “people’s literature” gives them what they need. However, the situation in the past is unsatisfactory. People’s Literature often publishes lengthy short, medium-length and novel novels, and short and hard works that can truly reflect real life in real time, Look, it is pitiful. In the past, I always thought that “people’s literature” is a publication sponsored by the Writers Association. Writers are all well-known writers, writers may not have written so long it should be said that this idea is not entirely appropriate. Every day, in addition to their intense production, the workers’ comrades do not relax themselves in their spare time. They participate in various kinds of learning, including political, cultural and technical studies. If other types of work are suitable for their own hobbies Social activities. ... In this case, they are limited in time, and if the article is too long and not well written, they are hard to read.
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