作者总结了 1998至 2 0 0 1年间收治的 5 6例因von Hippel Lindau病肾细胞癌而接受肾癌根治术或保留肾单位手术的病例。患者年龄 14~ 6 2岁。其中 30例 (33% )行肾切除术 ,6 2例 (6 7% )行保留肾单位的肿瘤剜除术。保留肾单位手术术中出血 (175±2 31.7)ml(5 0~ 130 0ml) ;97
The authors summarized 56 patients who underwent radical nephrectomy or nephron surgery for von Hippel Lindau’s disease with renal cell carcinoma admitted between 1998 and 2001. Patients aged 14 to 62 years old. Nephrectomy was performed in 30 cases (33%) and nephron excision in 62 cases (67%). Renal unit surgical operation to retain bleeding (175 ± 2 31.7) ml (50 ~ 130 0ml); 97