峰徊路转 出口回升——三季度有色金属外贸情况

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在1999上半年我国有色金属多数品种出口下降的情况下,随着亚洲地区经济复苏加快和国家出日退税率提高等相关政策的带动,进入三季度后绝大多数有色金属品种的出口均有较大幅度增加。按海关资料计算,三季度6种常用有色金属包括矿产品的外贸总额达25.01亿美元,其中矿产品(包括氧化铝,下同)占9.4%,为2.35亿美元;金属及金属制品(包括废杂料,下同)占90.6%,为22.66亿美元,分别比二季度增加10.7%、25.1%和9.4%。 三季度6种常用有色金属,包括矿产品的外贸出口总额7.74亿美元,其中 In the first half of 1999, the export of most varieties of non-ferrous metals in China decreased. With the acceleration of the economic recovery in Asia and the increase in the national tax rebate rate, the majority of exports of non-ferrous metals in the third quarter were relatively low. increased badly. Calculated according to customs data, the total foreign trade volume of the 6 kinds of commonly used non-ferrous metals including mineral products in the third quarter reached 2.501 billion U.S. dollars, among which mineral products (including alumina, the same below) accounted for 9.4%, which was 235 million U.S. dollars; metal and metal products (including scrap Miscellaneous materials, the same below, accounted for 90.6% of the total, which was $2.266 billion, which was 10.7%, 25.1%, and 9.4% higher than the second quarter, respectively. In the third quarter, six kinds of commonly used non-ferrous metals, including mineral products, totaled 774 million U.S. dollars in export volume, of which,
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