瞄准战场设擂台 同台竞技砺精兵——73821部队举办军事专业技能比武竞赛

来源 :铁军 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tommy0229
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“单位相同对抗赛,职务相同对手赛,岗位相同对口赛”。2011年9月底,联勤某分部举办军事专业技能比武竞赛。所属单位共20多支代表队、600余人参加了卫勤、油料、军械、军需等11个大项49个小项的角逐,涵盖了分部保障范围的所有专业。火热的比武现场,一张张充满朝气的脸庞,一个个矫健的身影,向着新纪录发起冲击;无论现役非现役,无论男军人女军人,你追我赶创先争优,推动了岗位练兵向广度和深度延伸。 “Unit the same match, the same position opponents match, the same post match position ”. By the end of September 2011, a branch of Joint Logistics organized a contest of military professional skill competitions. The subordinate units of a total of more than 20 teams, more than 600 people participated in the medical services, fuel, ordnance, munitions and other 11 major items 49 small competitions, covers all sectors covered by the protection of the profession. Fierce contest scene, a vibrant face, one by one vigorous figure, launched a new record of impact; regardless of active service, both male and female soldiers, you chase me to create a preemptive, promote the training of positions to Breadth and depth extend.
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