弘扬铁军精神 拓宽昆山之路——人民武装工作历史回顾与实践启示

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把群众性的人民武装置于党的绝对领导之下,是党管武装的重要内容之一。在人民武装中弘扬铁军精神,既是我们党在长期革命斗争实践中总结出来的宝贵经验,也是人民武装工作屡创辉煌的根本保证。回顾总结昆山人民武装工作建设发展历程,研究总结各个时期党管武装工作特点、规律,对于推进新形势下国防后备力量建设科学发展,具有十分重要的意义。 To place mass people’s armed forces under the party’s absolute leadership is one of the important elements in the party’s armed control. Carrying on the iron and steel spirit in the armed forces of the people is not only the precious experience our party has summed up in the practice of the long-term revolutionary struggle, but also the fundamental guarantee for the people’s armed work to create brilliant times. Review and summarize the Kunshan People’s Armed Forces construction and development process, study and summarize the characteristics and laws of the party’s armed forces work in various periods, is of great significance for advancing the scientific development of national defense reserve forces in the new situation.
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