
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaxianfeiaini
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93年10月28日,又一只满载水石盆景的集装箱发往新加坡,这是我国去年继香港、德国斯图加特之后的第三次出口水石盆景。出口额已达30多万元。靖江水石盆景素以其独特造型、结构合理、新颖别致等特点在园艺界占有一席之地。为了在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。靖江人民公园从内外两部分挖潜。内部主要是适当扩大园艺生产规模。精心组织采石、加工、造型、精制等工艺流程,提高产品的质量和数量。其次是搞好生产场地的布置和样品的陈列;保持生产场地的整洁,提高了环境的整体效益。三是辟出一个150平米的房子搞个象样的展览厅,把历年在国内外获奖的40多件作品予以陈列。供人们观赏,提高了社会效益。外部主 On October 28, 1993, another container full of water stone bonsai was sent to Singapore. This is the third time that China has exported water and stone bonsai after Hong Kong and Stuttgart, Germany last year. The export volume has reached more than 300,000 yuan. Jingjiang Shuishi bonsai has a place in the horticultural industry with its unique shape, reasonable structure, novel and unique features. In order to be invincible in the fierce market competition. Jingjiang People’s Park taps potential from both inside and outside. Internally, it is mainly to expand the scale of horticultural production. Careful organization of quarrying, processing, styling, refining and other technological processes to improve product quality and quantity. The second is to do a good job in the layout of the production site and the display of samples; keep the production site clean and improve the overall efficiency of the environment. The third is to provide a 150-square-meter house to create a decent exhibition hall and display more than 40 works that have won awards at home and abroad. For people to watch, improve the social benefits. External master
在藏区,随处可见藏族老阿妈右手摇着转经筒,左手拨着佛珠,嘴里念念有词。  旅行者问藏族老阿妈:“你们经年累月一直摇着转经筒,拨着佛珠,念着经,希望得到什么呢?”  老阿妈睁开微闭的眼,看着旅行者,缓缓地说:“不希望得到什么。”  旅行者惊讶地问:“那为什么还要这么做呢?”  老阿妈说:“希望失去点东西。”  旅行者更为惊讶:“希望失去什么呢?”  “希望失去贪、嗔和痴。”  人的一生,善恶相对,得
GATT 这驾老车要获得新生才能跟上世界贸易形势,新型号的 MTO 便呼之欲出了。 The GATT, the old model of the old car, needs to be able to keep up with the world trad
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China plans to phase out quota restrictions onimports by 1997.a senior government officialannounced in Beijing.The plan is the latest in a series to bring Chin