
来源 :铁路采购与物流 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyongguang9280
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9月16日,据悉,黑龙江同江中俄铁路大桥,目前中方承建部分主体工程基本完工,俄方主桥项目进展顺利,大桥预计于明年6月整体完工。几年来,市委、市政府以同江中俄跨江铁路大桥建设为契机,深入实施对俄经贸合作升级工程,实现开放兴城。积极融入国家“一带一路”“中蒙俄经济走廊”建设,牢牢把握中俄同江跨江铁路大桥建设和黑瞎子岛保护与开放开发机遇,树立区域经济一体化思想,完善口岸综合功能,推动沿边沿江经济带尽快成为投资热点、物流中心、加工走廊,建设“中俄经济走廊”门户枢纽。作为中俄界江黑龙江上的首座跨江铁路大桥,大桥建成后,铁路年过货能力达2 100万t,增加一条重要的连俄通欧国际大通道,将极大便利与俄罗斯的经贸往来,推动经济发展,惠及两国民众。 On September 16, it is learned that the main railway line of the construction project of the Chinese side in the Heilongjiang River has basically completed. The Russian main bridge project is proceeding smoothly. The bridge is expected to be completed in June next year. In recent years, the municipal party committee and municipal government took the opportunity to build the bridge across the river with China and Russia to carry out the escalation of economic and trade cooperation with Russia and realize the opening of Xingcheng City. Actively integrate into the construction of the “Belt and Road”, “the economic corridor between China and Mongolia and Russia”, firmly grasp the opportunity of the bridge construction and the development and protection of the Heishumanzi Island across the Jiangchuan River in the same province, establish the idea of ​​regional economic integration and improve Comprehensive functions of ports, and promote the economic belt along the Yangtze River as soon as possible investment hot spots, logistics centers, processing corridors, construction of “China-Russia Economic Corridor” portal hub. As the first cross-river railway bridge on the Heilongjiang border between China and Russia, after the completion of the bridge, the annual cargo capacity of the railway will reach 21 million tons and an important major channel connecting Russia with Europe will be greatly facilitated. This will greatly facilitate the economic and trade contacts with Russia , Promote economic development and benefit the people of both countries.