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《中国妇女报》记者陈勇辉就福建省莆田市部分三资企业鞋厂“三苯”毒害女工一事,在《中国妇女报》头版连续推出《妈祖有泪》、《沉默的羔羊》、《倾斜的天平》等三篇报道,在社会上激起了强烈反响,也引起了国务院、福建省有关领导和有关部门的极大关注.针对这一事件,有关领导明确表示:发展经济,不能以牺牲环境为代价,更不能以牺牲女工健康、安全为代价;无论是国有企业还是三资企业都必须毫无例外地执行中华人民共和国的有关法律,执行《女职工劳动保护条例》;“三苯”毒害问题,不仅莆田有,其他地方也有,不仅三资企业有,其他企业也有.“三苯”污染确实到了非整治不可的时候了.为此福建省政府成立了整治鞋业污染检查组,并通过全面检查提出了全省整改方案.本刊从第三期开始,分别转载这三篇文章.我们热切期望,福建省的鞋业“三苯”污染整治工作——这个多年来的“老大难”问题从此能有个好的开端,并有个好的结果.“三苯”如狼似虎,但毕竟制服有道,通过净化治理,对人体及环境的危害可降到最低限度.然而,老板们却以各种借口拖延、推诱,不愿从鼓鼓的腰包里掏出不到百分之一的钱搞净化治理.7万名素质较低的女工们逆来顺受,缺乏自我保护意识,不知道有毒的工作环境是对其权益的侵害.有些女工不愿参加体检,怕查出问? Chen Yonghui, the reporter of “China Women’s Daily”, launched “Mazu Tears,” “Silence of the Lamb,” “Tilt,” on the front page of the China Women’s Daily on the poisoning of female workers by some three-funded shoe factories in Putian, Fujian Province. The “balance” and other three reports, aroused strong repercussions in the community, also caused the State Council, the relevant leaders of Fujian Province and the relevant departments of great concern .In response to this incident, the leaders made it clear that: economic development, not at the expense of Environment, but not at the expense of the health and safety of women workers; both state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises must implement the relevant laws of the People’s Republic of China without exception to implement the “Labor Protection Ordinance for Women Workers”; “Triphenyl” Not only Putian, but also other places, not only foreign-funded enterprises but also other enterprises. “Triphenylbenzene” pollution is indeed a time of non-remediation .Therefore, the Fujian provincial government set up a remediation of footwear pollution inspection team, and Through a comprehensive inspection and put forward the rectification program of the province.This issue from the third period, respectively, reproduced these three articles.We sincerely hope that the footwear industry in Fujian Province, “triphenylmethane” Dyeing and Remediation Work - The problem of “chronic disaster” over the years can have a good beginning and a good result. “Triphenyl” is like a wolf, but after all, And environmental hazards can be reduced to a minimum limit.However, the bosses are all kinds of excuses to procrastinate, seduced, reluctant to pull out less than one percent of the money out of drums pursued clean governance.700 quality The lower the number of women workers, the lack of self-protection awareness, do not know the toxic working environment is the violation of their rights and interests. Some women workers do not want to participate in medical examination, afraid to find out?
班组是安全工作最基层的贯彻执行单位,而事故又往往出在班组。大多数的事故是人为造成的。如何控制班组少发生或不发生事故,谈以下几点看法。 对班组违章者来说,有两种违章
目的:分析自1991年来,在布里斯托尔及全英国, 小儿心脏直视手术死亡率的变化趋势。设计:回顾性分析医院病例统计数据。机构:所有开展小儿心脏直视手术的英国医院。试验对象:
摘 要笔者通过多年的教学经验探讨了高中段班级组管理模式,文章通过两个案例说明了班级组模式的优势,它解决了以往班主任管理的一些不足。  【关键词】高中段;班级组管理模式;合力共赢  华山中学自2015年9月新学期开学提出全员育人并在高中段试行班级组管理。目前,该模式已经运行了一年多,现就本人参与的班级组模式下的合力共赢进行初探。  众所周知,以往班级管理实行的是班主任责任制,即班级大小事务全部由班主