
来源 :中国改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wscmjk
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设置深圳二线关的初衷当然不容否定,但历史上的合理性不等于现实中的合理性。日新月异的现实,越来越对深圳二线关构成强劲挑战。WTO时代的二线关,与人口自由流动、资源自由流动这些现代市场经济的基本准则是否相符?与公民权利平等这一现代法治国家的基本准则是否相符?诸如此类的问题,值得我们探究和反思。由此引出更深层次的问题:特区靠什么“特”?从理智和法制的视角诠释,特区之“特”,应该主要表现为思想解放,大胆创新,主要表现为通过自身努力创造超常的成绩,而不能主要表现为特殊待遇、特殊权利。换言之,深圳不能是一座特权城市。 Of course, the original intention of setting the second-tier customs in Shenzhen can not be denied, but the historical rationality does not equal the rationality in reality. With the ever-changing reality, more and more second-line customs in Shenzhen pose a strong challenge. The second line of the WTO era is consistent with the basic norms of the modern market economy such as the free flow of people and the free flow of resources, and is it consistent with the basic norms of a modern law-governed country where citizens’ rights are equal? ​​Such issues deserve our exploration and reflection. This leads to a deeper question: What are the special “special zones?” From the perspective of reason and the rule of law, the “special” of the SAR should mainly be characterized by its emancipation of mind and its bold innovation. It is mainly manifested in its extraordinary efforts to create extraordinary achievements, And can not be mainly manifested as special treatment, special rights. In other words, Shenzhen can not be a privileged city.
在改革开放和建立社会主义市场经济的新形势下,必须深化医院改革,转变医院经营机制,使之适应市场经济要求。 1.转变医院经营机制 由于我国尚处于社会主义初级阶段,国家财力有
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