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  1. Its ten oclock. My mother is ____ (lie) on the bed.
  2. What ____ he ____ (mend) now?
  3. We ____ (play) games now.
  4. ____ he ____ (clean) the classroom?
  5. What are you ____ (do) now? I ____ (eat) bread.
  6. Its nine oclock. My father ____ (work) in the office.
  7. Look, the boy ____ (put) the rubbish into the bin.
  8. —Where is Mark?
  —He ____ (run) on the playground.
  9. Listen, who ____ (sing) in the music room?
  10. My father is always ____ (come) back from work very late.
  11. It is ____ (rain) outside now.
  12. The boy ____ (draw) a picture now.
  13. My mother ____ (cook) some nice food now.
  14. They ____ (not water) the flowers now.
  15. Look! The girls ____ (dance) in the classroom.
  16. —What is our granddaughter doing?
  —She ____ (listen) to music.
  17. Its 12 oclock. We ____ (eat) lunch now.
  18. ____ Helen ____ (wash) clothes?
  19. Dont talk here. My mother ____ (sleep).
  20. The man is ____ (open) the door for us. Lets hurry.
挪威:藏扫帚  在圣诞前夜藏扫帚是挪威的一项古老风俗。在过去,人们都认为巫婆和恶鬼会在圣诞节前夜外出寻找扫帚来骑,所以家家户户都会把扫帚藏在最安全的地方。如今的挪威主妇仍然会遵循这一传统,她们睡觉前会把扫帚、拖把和刷子等物品全部藏好。而男人们有时会走出家门,在外面放上几枪,以吓跑巫婆和恶鬼。  捷克:制作“核桃小船”  捷克共和国的一项圣诞风俗是用核桃壳制作小船。人们会敲开几只核桃,在半只空核桃壳
IQ Test
The fog comes  On little cat feet.  It sits looking  Over harbor and city  On silent haunches  And then moves on.  霧降临  悄悄如小猫。  蹲坐着  俯视  港口和城市  飘然而去不喧嚣。
【口语展台】  1. —Jenny, what are you doing? 珍妮,你在做什么?  —Im watching TV. 我正在看电视。  2. —Is she reading? 她在读书吗?  —Yes, she is. 是的。  3. —Do you want to go to the movies? 你想去看电影吗?  —That sounds great. 听起来不错。  【情
【口语展台】  1. —Can you draw? 你会画画吗?  —Yes, I can. 是的,我会。  2. —I want to join the music club. 我想加入音乐俱乐部。  —Oh, can you sing? 噢,你会唱歌吗?  —Yes, I can. 是的,我会。  3. —Can you play the violin? 你会拉小提琴吗?  —No, I ca
一、根据句意,用划线单词的反义词或对应词填空。  1. Jim lives in a small house but Tom lives in a ____ one.  2. Toms hair is curly, but his sisters hair is ____.  3. There is a short boy under the ____ tree.  4. My hair is l
I’m Tony. It’s sunny today. I’m hiking in the forest with my friends, Tom and Sam. Many birds are flying in the sky. There is a river in the forest. We go boating on the river. It is interesting.  I’m
2019年测评的“听力部分”共有四道大题,它们分别是句子理解、问句应答、对话理解、和短文理解。共30个小题,计30分。各题的录音材料均读两遍。我们将会对这四个题型进行逐一解析,本期我们先来解析“句子理解”“问句应答”“对话理解”这三个题型。  【赛题重现】 (保留原题号)  I. Sentences (句子理解) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)  Please listen to the fol
It’s ten past three in the afternoon. Students in Green School have thirty minutes’ rest① before the third class. Look! Most of them are playing on the playground. Some students are jumping and runnin