Cytokines in the BALB/c mouse testis in various conditions

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libolb666
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Aim: To investigate whether testosterone, estrogens, vasectomy, experimental cryptorchidism, varicocele or agingwould induce changes in the cytokine environment of the mouse testis. Methods: In adult male BALB/c mice,testosterone implants, estradiol benzoate, vasectomy, unilateral cryptorchidism, unilateral varicocele were adminis-tered/performed. The mice were followed up for different periods of time and were then sacrificed with testes incisedfor examination. The control mice received the vehicle or sham-operation. Results: IL-10 was present in Leydigcells of nearly every testis and IL-10 + macrophages in 39% of testes. IL-6 was found in the testes of intact adultmice, mice treated with testosterone for 70 days, cryptorchid testes and sham-operated testes. Conclusion: Resultssuggest that IL-10 might be involved in the generation of the immunologically privileged microenvironment in the testis.(Asian J Androl 2001 Mar; 3: 9-19) Aim: To investigate whether testosterone, estrogens, vasectomy, experimental cryptorchidism, varicocele or aging embryo induce changes in the cytokine environment of the mouse testis. Methods: In adult male BALB / c mice, testosterone implants, estradiol benzoate, vasectomy, unilateral cryptorchidism, unilateral The mice were followed up for different periods of time and were then sacrificed with testes incised for examination. Results: IL-10 was present in Leydig cells of nearly every Testis and IL-10 + macrophages in 39% of testes. IL-6 was found in the testes of intact adult mice, mice treated with testosterone for 70 days, cryptorchid testes and sham-operated testes. Conclusion: Resultssuggest that IL-10 might be involved in the generation of the immunologically privileged microenvironment in the testis. (Asian J Androl 2001 Mar; 3: 9-19)
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