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改革开放以来,随着经济社会的快速发展,浙江各类新社会组织如雨后春笋蓬勃兴起,正迅速而广泛地渗透到社会生活的各个领域。加强新社会组织建设和管理,确保其发挥重要而积极的作用,已经成为各级党委、政府亟待研究解决 Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid economic and social development, all kinds of new social organizations in Zhejiang have been thriving and are rapidly and widely penetrating into all fields of social life. Strengthening the construction and management of new social organizations so as to ensure that they play an important and positive role has become an urgent issue for the party committees and governments at all levels to study and solve
The intrapair and interpair correlation energies of F -, HF and H 2F +systems are calculated and analyzed using MP2 OPT2 method of MELD program with cc PV5
The rate of atmospheric pressure hydrogenolysis of terminal e-poxides over palladium-charcoal to the corresponding methyl al-cohols could be remarkably acceler
商家选择江苏大丰市盆栽花卉研究所上海花卉良种试验场-盆花中心北京金润禾科技有限公司(经营国外品种)植物名学名 Calceolaria herbeohybrida,Voss,蒲包花又名荷包花,为玄
Unsymmetrical dendrons 1,2 and 3 were easily prepared according to a novel convergent strategy from 3,4-methylenedioxybenzaldehyde as starting material. Unsymm
一滴水可以折射太阳的光辉,而创新则可以折射企业寻求进化的强烈意愿,在开放与市场化的自然选择下,锐意变革的企业才有可能成为优秀的“物种”。 A drop of water can refle
我是北京电影制片厂的历史见证人。从她诞生的第一天起 ,我的命运就和这个厂紧紧相连在一起。我爱这个厂 ,我对这个厂有着无比深厚的感情 ,我在这个厂做厂长整整三十五年 ,我