好像一个大迷宫 “雪龙号”是我国最大的极地科学考察船,也是我国惟一能在极地破冰前行的船只。极地科学考察船“雪龙号”由乌克兰赫尔松船厂于1993年3月建造完工,并经上海沪东船厂1995年两次大规模改装。 第一次登上“雪龙号”的人,都会有同样感受,简直就像走进了一个“
It seems like a big labyrinth, the “Snow Dragon” is China’s largest polar scientific expedition ship, and it is also the only vessel in our country that can move ice in the polar region. The polar scientific expedition vessel “Snow Dragon” was constructed and completed by the Ukrainian Kherson shipyard in March 1993, and has undergone two large-scale conversions in 1995 by Shanghai Hudong Shipyard. People who first boarded the “Snow Dragon” will have the same feeling, it’s just like walking into a "