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目的:调查患者寻求小阴唇整形手术的动机及其影响因素。方法:对2018年1月至2019年12月于中国医学科学院整形外科医院妇科整形中心就医的268例患者,以问卷形式调查其求诊动机和影响因素。求诊动机包含4个选项:外观不佳;功能障碍(影响生活);以上两者皆有;心理因素。影响因素包括2个选项:自身要求;受到他人影响。对调查结果进行描述性统计分析。结果:共回收有效问卷216份,患者年龄(31.0±6.7)岁。求诊动机方面:单纯因外观不佳就诊者占22.2% (48/216),功能障碍者占38.4%(83/216),两者皆有者占35.2%(76/216),而因心理因素就诊者占4.2%(9/216)。影响因素方面:以功能障碍为动机就诊的患者均表示未受到他人影响;而认为外观不佳而就诊的患者中有6.3%(3/48)受到了男性伴侣的影响;其余2种求诊动机的患者中,分别有7.9%(6/76)和6/9表示受到男性伴侣影响,此外,在这两种动机的患者中还有2.6%(2/76)和3/9受到了传媒影响。结论:大多数患者寻求小阴唇整形手术的原因在于功能受限,也有少数人群受到了性伴侣及传媒的影响。“,”Objective:To investigate the motivation of patients seeking labiaplasty and the external influencing factors.Methods:From January 2018 to December 2019, 268 patients who sought for operative labiaplasty at the Gynecological Plastic Surgery Center of the Plastic Surgery Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences were investigated for their motivation and influencing factors in the questionnaire. The motivation includes four options: aesthetic reasons, functional impairment, both aesthetic and functional reasons, and psychological factors. External influencing factors include two options: a self-requirement, was influenced by others. After collating the data, statistical analysis of the survey result was performed.Results:A total of 216 valid questionnaires were received. Motivation for pursuing operative labiaplasty: 22.2% (48/216) of the patients complained about cosmetic reasons, 38.4% (83/216) of dysfunction, and 35.2% (76/216) had both aesthetic and functional reasons. Psychological factors accounted for 4.2% (9/216). In terms of external influencing factors: all patients motivated by dysfunction were not influenced by others, while 6.3% (3/48) of patients of cosmetic reasons were affected by male partners. In the other two motivations, 7.9% (6/76) and 6/9 respectively indicated that they were affected by male spouse. In addition, there were 2.6% of patients with these 2 motivations (2/76) and 3/9 were affected by the media.Conclusions:Most patients seek labia minora reduction surgery because of functional reasons, and a small number of people are affected by sexual partners and media.