作物秸秆还田是当前增加有机肥料投入,提高耕地质量,促进农业增产增收的重要措施之一。玉米秸秆直接还田技术在黑龙江省实施的模式有:玉米秸秆粉碎翻压还田、堆沤还田、化学催腐还田、加工菌肥还田等。 (一)玉米秸秆粉碎翻压还田 1.采用玉米联合收割机,边收获玉米边通过粉碎单机将玉米秸秆切割为10cm左右的碎段抛撒于地里。 2.站秆人工摘穗后,用拖拉机带秸秆粉碎抛撒机将站立的秸秆割倒粉碎成10cm以下的碎段,并均匀抛撒于田里。
The return of crop straw to the field is one of the important measures to increase input of organic fertilizers, improve the quality of cultivated land and promote agricultural production and income. Corn stalks directly into the field in Heilongjiang Province, the implementation of the model are: corn stalks knocked back into pressure, plutonium back to the field, the chemical reaction to the soil, processing bacterium fertilizer and so on. (A) corn stalks smashed back into the field 1. Using corn combine harvester, while harvesting corn side by crushing corn stalks cut into pieces about 10cm scattered in the ground. 2. Station stalk artificial pick ear, with a tractor with straw crusher spreader stand straw cut down into pieces below 10cm, and evenly thrown in the fields.