
来源 :江苏农机与农艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanrj
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在大忙中,我作为张家港市农机优质服务月活动成员之一,下乡到各镇村进行农机技术指导及解决疑难故障问题,故障最多的就是上海—50型拖拉机变速箱内发生齿轮敲击声。开始声音较小,驾驶员难以发现,使用一段时间后,当动力输出轴接合手柄接合时,进行旋耕作业到一定深度后 In a great deal of busy work, I served as a member of Zhangjiagang Agricultural Machinery Quality Service Month. I went to the townships and villages to carry out technical guidance on agricultural machinery and solve difficult problems. The most troublesome problems were gear rattle in Shanghai -50 tractor gearbox . Starting sound is small, the driver hard to find, after a period of use, when the power output shaft engaging handle engagement, rotary farming operations to a certain depth
味美不一定价高.在乡间、在海滨,只要你稍加注意,可以入菜的东西俯拾即是.亲手 Delicious is not necessarily high price in the country, at the beach, as long as you
中国女排在世界一举拿下了“四联冠”,取得了举世瞩目的成绩。这支铁打的队伍有不 Chinese women’s volleyball won the world in one fell swoop “quadruple crown”, h
清人历鹗诗云:“荷叶绕门香胜花”.中医则认为荷叶“色清气香,不论鲜干,均可药用”,能“散瘀血,留好 Qing calendar Li Yun poem: “lotus leaf around the door Xiangshen
读贵刊85年10期杂志“茶余饭后”栏“关中处处有美食”一文,笔者认为其中的涎水面既不卫生,又不雅观,此吃法应改变. Read your magazine 85 years 10 magazine “After dinner
世界上人口太多了,我们的地球不堪重负.希望:食毛毛虫者仅作为嗜好,而不要发展为万不得已. The world is overpopulated and our planet is overwhelmed, hoping that peopl
变成一串水葡萄。小小尾巴摇几摇,圆圆葡萄不见了,剩下一个鱼宝宝。吹泡泡@赵前樵请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Become a string of grapes. Small tail sha
原料:羊扁担肉(或后腿肉)、甜面酱、料酒、糖、醋、姜汁、酱油各适量.(图一) Raw materials: Sheep meat (or hind leg meat), sweet sauce, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar