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建设一个什么样的党 ,始终是党的建设的总题目。这个总题目的含义有两层 :党的根本性质 ,党的历史特点。这两层含义是密切联系的。邓小平在 196 5年的一次谈话中就指出 :“建立一个什么样的党的问题 ,这不仅是我们这一代的问题 ,也是下一代、再下一代的问题。一个国家的革命 ,核心的问题是党。有了一个好党才能引导革命走向胜利。革命胜利后 ,搞社会主义也要靠一个好党 ,否则 ,胜利就靠不住。”建设一个什么样的党这个问题不可能一劳永逸地解决 ,而是要随着实践的发展 ,特别是革命和建设阶段的推移 ,不断探索。我们应当用发展的眼光和辩证的方法 ,结合党的建设的实际来研究这个问题。 What kind of party to build is always the total issue of the party’s construction. There are two meanings to this general question: the fundamental nature of the party and the historical characteristics of the party. The two meanings are closely linked. Deng Xiaoping pointed out in a talk in 196 5: “What kind of party issue should be established is not only a problem for our generation, but also for the next generation and then the next generation. The core issue of a country’s revolution is With a good party, we can guide the revolution toward victory. After the victory of the revolution, we must rely on a good party to engage in socialism. Otherwise, victory can not be maintained. ”The question of what kind of party should be built can not be solved once and for all. With the development of practice, especially the evolution of the revolution and construction stage, continue to explore. We should study this issue from the perspective of development and from the dialectical method and in the light of the reality of party building.
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