
来源 :江西教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hisandy
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位置、地形和面积江西位于长江中游南岸。它是祖国东南沿海各省通达内地的枢纽。境内丘陵起伏,四周多山。东边的武夷山脉、怀玉山脉蜿蜒在福建、浙江和江西交界的地区;黄山尾闾蟠结在江西、安徽的边界上;西北面幕阜山脉,斜亘在江西与湖北境界上;西有九岭山脉、武功山脉和万洋山脉,连接着湖南省界;南部的大庾岭、九连山脉把广东、江西两省分开;雩山山脉斜穿在赣南;唯有庐山屹立在长江南岸。而波阳湖滨地势低洼、构成了波阳盆地。赣江、抚河、修水、信河、饶河水源分别出自东、南、西山地,流经丘陵地带,汇入波阳湖,出湖口入长江。北部富饶而秀丽的波阳湖,面积约计5050平方公里,是我国最大淡水湖泊。全省是北宽南狭,东西平行的地理形势。北自长江,南到南岭,南北长约六百五十公里,东西宽为五百公 Location, terrain and area Jiangxi is located on the south bank of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. It is the hub of mainland China’s southeast coastal provinces. The hills are undulating and surrounded by mountains. The Wuyi Mountains and Huaiyu Mountains in the east border Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi; the tail of Huangshan Mountain borders the borders of Jiangxi and Anhui; the northwest curtain mountains, the slopes lie on the boundary between Jiangxi and Hubei; The Jiuling Mountains, the Wugong Mountains, and the Wanyang Mountains link the boundaries of Hunan Province; the southern Dagu Mountains and the Jiulian Mountains separate the Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces; the Laoshan Mountains lean diagonally across the Weinan; only Laoshan stands on the south bank of the Yangtze River. . The low-lying lakeside of Poyang Lake constitutes the Poyang Basin. The water sources of the Lancang River, Fuhe River, Xiushui River, Xinhe River, and Rao River are from the east, south, and west mountains, respectively, and pass through the hilly areas. They enter the Poyang Lake and exit the lake to the Yangtze River. The abundant and beautiful Boyang Lake in the north, with an area of ​​approximately 5050 square kilometers, is the largest freshwater lake in China. The province is a wide-ranging, narrow-minded, geographically parallel situation. North from the Yangtze River, south to the South Ridge, approximately 650 kilometers from north to south and 500 kilometers from east to west
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