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省教育厅于5月22日至26日召开了部分中学和师范学校校长座谈会。会上各校汇报了贯彻省教育工作会议的情况和经验,接着着重讨论了如何加强对学校教育教学工作的领导积极提高教学质量,以及如何加强在教学工作中理论联系实际等问题。通过交流经验和认真的讨论研究,同志们都感到收获很大,对于今后如何进一步领导好学校工作有了更加明确的认识,准备回去以后扎扎实实的深入到教学中间去,真正做到精雕细刻、具体深入地领导好教学。会议自始至终都沉浸在热烈的气氛中。特别是当会议进行到讨论如何深入领导教学工作时,对于在学校教育教学工作中能否采用评比竞赛的问题,出现了分歧的意见,大家对此展开了热烈的辩论,各抒已见,畅所欲言。对于这个问题,大致有三种不同的意见和态度。第一师范校长何戈心同志首先表示他是属于拥护 The provincial education department held a symposium of principals of some middle schools and normal schools from May 22 to 26. At the meeting, the schools reported on the implementation of the Provincial Education Work Conference and their experiences. Then they discussed how to strengthen the leadership of the school education and teaching work and actively improve the quality of teaching, and how to strengthen the theoretical connection with reality in teaching and other issues. Through exchanges of experience and careful discussion and discussion, the comrades have learned a lot and have a clearer understanding of how to further lead the school work in the future. They are prepared to go back to the middle of the teaching process and go deep into the middle of teaching. Detailed, detailed and in-depth leadership in teaching. The conference was immersed in a warm atmosphere from beginning to end. In particular, when the meeting was held to discuss how to conduct in-depth leadership of teaching work, there were disagreements on whether or not the competition could be used in school education and teaching work. Everyone had a lively debate about it, and they had all expressed their opinions. . There are roughly three different opinions and attitudes on this issue. The First Normal University President He Gexin first stated that he is an advocate
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