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粘虫喜欢在麦田的枯叶上产卵。根据粘虫成虫的这一习性,外地采用粟谷草把诱蛾产卵,然后处理草把,防治效果良好。我们结合当地条件,于1974年3月19—30日用稻草把与麦秸把进行诱集粘虫产卵的试验,在麦田里各插5个把子,结果是稻草把共有13块卵块,而麦秸把无卵块。与此同时,我们还进行了稻草把夹糖浆麻袋片与不夹糖浆麻袋片的诱粘虫产卵比较试验,也是各插5个把子,结果是夹糖浆麻袋片的共有25块卵块,总卵粒数1,322粒,而不夹糖浆麻袋片的只有12块卵块,总卵粒数757粒。有的地方在稻草把上插一枝扁柏树枝,可以大大提高诱蛾产卵的效果。 Army worms like to lay eggs on dead leaves in the wheat fields. According to this habit of armyworm adults, the field uses millet grass to spawn the moth, and then handle the grass, the control effect is good. In the light of local conditions, we experimented with the use of straw and wheat straw to induce eggs to be trapped in the armyworms on March 19-30, 1974, with five knives in each of the fields, resulting in a total of 13 eggs in the straw, Wheat straw no egg. In the meantime, we also conducted a straw-to-sugar syrup sack film and a non-syrup sack film spawning comparison test, but also inserted five of each handle, the result is a folder of syrup sacks a total of 25 eggs, total The number of eggs is 1,322, while there are only 12 eggs without the syrup sacks, the total number of eggs is 757. In some places in the straw to insert a hinoki branches, can greatly enhance the effect of lure eggs.
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听华语歌的人,因为唱片,一半给过他钱;因为盗版,一半欠过他钱。    台湾是个充满传说的地方,吊诡又传奇。这里的政坛像娱乐,音乐像革命,作家都坐过牢,会唱歌的人,最先牢记的人往往是江湖大佬。其实音乐人一直都有江湖气,因为他们要“跑码头,走街卖艺”。因为从他们拿起吉他那天起,想找个地方演出,但每个地段都似乎是某人的地盘。  所以,当段钟沂走进咖啡馆的时候,他比想象中要温和许多,从现在的容颜,完全无法
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刺桐属植物中含有刺桐生物碱和类黄酮,部分化合物具有行为抑制、肌松弛、降压和抗微生物活性。从泰国呵叻省产的啮蚀刺桐(Erythrina suberosa)的茎皮中分离得到2种化合物。将
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。适应市场变化 加快医院建设──江西省上饶市医院发展简记@钱亮@盛学东 Please download and view, this article does not su