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为全面贯彻党和国家的教育方针,促进全国技工学校群众性体育运动的蓬勃发展,不断增强学生体质,在国务院刚刚批准发布了《全民健身计划纲要》不久,劳动部和国家体委共同举办了首届全国技工学校篮球联赛,这是建国以来第一次举办的全国性技工学校体育比赛。比赛在各地选拔组队训练的基础上,从7月中旬开始,分别在辽宁、内蒙古、上海、湖南、云南、甘肃等地进行了分区 In order to fully implement the education policy of the party and the state, promote the vigorous development of the mass sports in the national technical school and continuously enhance the students’ physique, soon after the State Council approved the promulgation of the “National Fitness Program”, the Ministry of Labor and the State Commission of Physical Education jointly held the first National Technical School Basketball League, this is the first time since the founding of the National Technical School Sports Competition. Based on the selection and training of teams around the world, starting from mid-July, they were divided into districts in Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Hunan, Yunnan and Gansu, respectively
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Onappraisalmodelsofbasketballplayers'athleticsa-bilitiesLiangJianping(InstituteofPhysicalEducation,SouthwestChinaNormalUniver... On appraisal patterns of basketball players’athleticsa-bilitiesLiang Jianping (Institute of Physical Education, SouthwestChin
AIM: To investigate whether or not histamine is involved in spatial memory deficits induced by dizocilpine (MK-801) as evaluated by 8-arm radial maze of rats.
【摘要】随着市场竞争愈演愈烈,石油行业对信息的准确性、快速性要求越来越高,我国很多石油企业都进行了信息化建设,其中数字油田作为数字地球概念在油田中的具体应用,受到石油企业的广泛重视。本文主要国内数字油田研究现状,并从需求角度分析了我国数字油田的发展前景。  【关键词】数字油田;信息化;系统工程  【中图分类号】TM769  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)10-006
背景及目的 作者用辛酸钠纯化及柱层析法去除辛酸钠后制得一种新的静脉用免疫球蛋白(IGIV)制剂,并进行了有效的脂膜病毒灭活。作者设计2个临床试验以比较这种以甘氨酸作为保