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198 6年 ,两个美国人来到伯利兹岛 (前英属洪都拉斯 ) ,他们此行的目的是制作一部旅行记录片 ,使美国游客可以更好地了解伯利兹。他们一个是美国土著 ,另一个是来自中东的基督徒。后者追求精神需求 ,对玛雅古文明所发生的一切备感好奇。此人也热衷于探寻亚特兰蒂斯城 ① 遗址 ,和许多探险者的想法一样 ,他认为古城有可能殒没在加勒比海底。制作片子时 ,他们结识了一个玛雅人 ,他把他们领到了位于伯利兹玛雅人的旧址。《指日可待》记录了随后两三年里发生的事。接下来的一年里 ,二人尾随着据说是众多玛雅部族中最古老的一支———莫潘玛雅的足迹。学者开始相信莫潘玛雅是最早的玛雅人 ,其他的族群都是发源于斯。水晶头骨是神灵的遗体令人惊叹地结晶而成 ,本世纪初在莫潘乡野出土。我称之为水晶女。经过考古学家的研究、冒险家的探访、再由追随玛雅人从而发现水晶头骨的两个人拍成胶片 ,这个生命 (我无法把她叫做工艺品 )的存在是那么强大和绚丽。 1987年夏天 ,我造访了她在加拿大的居所 ② ,有幸从她那儿了解了一些情况 ,这个故事主要讲述了她告诉我的事。事情发展到今天 ,与传统神话和玛雅人以及其他美国土著的传说有着惊人的相似之处。这个故事是为了证明神灵依旧与我们同在 ,即便是对于那些在探险中倚 1986. In six six years, two Americans came to Belize Island (former British Honduras) for the purpose of making a trip documentary to enable American tourists to better understand Belize. One of them is indigenous to the United States, and the other is a Christian from the Middle East. The latter pursues spiritual needs and is curious about everything that has happened in Mayan civilization. This man is also keen to explore the site of Atlantis, and, like many explorers, he thinks the ancient city may not be in the Caribbean. When they made the film, they met a Maya who brought them to the site of the Maya in Belize. “Just around the corner” records what happened in the next two to three years. In the following year, the two followed what is said to be the oldest of the many Mayan tribes --- the footprints of Mopan Maya. Scholars began to believe that Maupayan Maya is the earliest Maya, the other ethnic groups are originated in Sri Lanka. Crystalline skull is the body of the gods amazing crystallization of the century unearthed at the beginning of this century. I call it Crystal Girl. After archaeologists ’research, adventurers’ visits, the two men who followed the Maya to discover the crystal skull into films, the existence of this life (I can not call her a craft) was so powerful and magnificent. In the summer of 1987, I visited her home in Canada. I had the privilege of learning some of the things from her. The story was about what she told me. Things have developed so strikingly similar to traditional myths and Maya and other Native American legends. This story is to prove that the gods are still with us, even for those who rely on exploration
【摘要】作者旨在专业英语精读课堂上,在教学内容上提高学科深度,以内容为依托,建设综合性、研究型、讨论式、开放型的课堂,培养学生的问题意识和批判性思维能力,促进阅读能力由字面理解到深层理解,使学生体会到思考和质疑的乐趣。  【关键词】讨论式课堂 问题意识 思辨能力  引言  传统的精读课堂大体形式是由教师逐句、逐段讲解课文内容和复杂句子语言点,穿插教师对具体词汇、语言形式或具体语句的提问和讲解。在这
波拉·甘·艾伦在《指日可待》中利用后现代主义的小说技巧 ,融神话于历史 ,打破神话传说、历史以及虚构小说的界限 ,把流传在印第安人之间数千年之久的神话传说与 2 0世纪考