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《劳动组织科学化之探索》为省纺织主管部门老中青合作之作。作者有在计划经济时期长期从事劳动工作的老同志 ,也有经济体制转型时期接管这项工作的中年同志 ,又有新时期参与这项改革的年轻人。因此 ,他们能够以丰富的经验、改革的精神、科学的态度和翔实的资料切中业内“减人增效”这个难点问题。文中首次提出“劳动组织表达式”是史无前例的一项创造性的探索 ,可敬可赞。文章只所以用过去与现在、先进与落后、变革与现实进行对比 ,用调研数据说话 ,用科学的方法解答 ,是为了抨击纺织业劳动用工长期存在的弊端和许多企业因循守旧不思进取的思想 ,能希望大家奋起直追 ,深化改革 ,尽快实行科学的劳动组织 ,增强企业的竞争力 ,以迎接“入世”挑战。文章无论是理论性还是实践性都有很强的参考价值 ,值得一读并推而广之。 The “Exploration of the Scientific Organization of Labor Organizations” is the cooperation between the provincial textile department and the old Sino-Ching. The author has old comrades who have long been engaged in labor work during the period of planned economy, middle-aged comrades who took over the work during the transition period of the economic system, and young people who participated in this reform in the new period. Therefore, they can use the rich experience, the spirit of reform, the scientific attitude and detailed information to cut through the difficult problem of “reduce people and increase efficiency” in the industry. For the first time in the article, “labor organization expression” is an unprecedented creative exploration, which is respectable. The article only uses the comparison between the past and the present, the advanced and the backward, the changes and the reality, speaks with research data, and answers in a scientific way, in order to attack the long-standing disadvantages of labor in the textile industry and the thoughts of many companies’ ambivalence and unrestrained progress. We hope everyone can catch up, deepen reforms, implement scientific labor organizations as soon as possible, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises so as to meet the challenge of joining the WTO. The article has strong reference value both theoretically and practically, and it is worth reading and expanding.
怀柔县包装业近年来发展迅速,已 成为全县工业的主要骨干行业之一。今年上半年,全县整个包装行业共计完成工业产值62660万元、销售收入43400万元,利润1586万元、税收1975万
▲由西北勘测设计研究院地勘二队承担建设的拉西瓦交通索桥 2 0 0 1年 9月 2 0日正式开工。 10月 19日已完成左岸基础开挖 ,并开始浇筑桥台地板阶段 ;右岸基础开挖也已完成 ;
本刊讯2001年9月11日,中国上海拜耳大中华区集团负责人、拜耳中国有限公司常务董事施德浩(Elma On September 11th, 2001, head of Bayer Greater China Group, Shanghai, C
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1  2 0 0 0年经济运行的基本情况2 0 0 0年 ,在省委、省政府的正确领导下 ,在省直有关部门和各级地方党委、政府的大力支持下 ,山东石油化学工业保持了生产、销售、效益同比