
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanwan1985
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To report a case of placental site nodule discovered on hysterosalpingogram and evaluated by sonohysterography and hysteroscopy in a patient presenting with infertility. Case report. Academic reproductive endocrinology center. A 30- year- old gravida 1 para 1 receiving evaluation for secondary infertility. Hysterosalpingogram, sonohysterography, and operative hysteroscopy with excision. Diagnosis and treatment of intrauterine lesion. Pathology of the excisional biopsy from operative hysteroscopy revealed a placental site nodule. We report one of the first radiographic and hysteroscopic findings of a placental site nodule. This case demonstrates that in addition to the most common causes of uterine filling defects seen on hysterosalpingogram and sonohysterography, rarer lesions like placental site nodule also need to be considered in the differential diagnosis. Placental site nodule is a benign lesion that requires correct diagnosis to distinguish it from other more serious placental findings, but long- term follow- up is unnecessary. Therapy consists of diagnosis and expectant management. To report a case of placental site nodule discovered on hysterosalpingogram and evaluated by sonohysterography and hysteroscopy in a patient presenting with infertility. Case report. Academic reproductive endocrinology center. A 30-year- old gravida 1 para 1 receiving evaluation for secondary infertility. Hysterosalpingogram, Diagnosis and treatment of intrauterine lesion. Pathology of the excisional biopsy from operative hysteroscopy revealed a placental site nodule. We report one of the first radiographic and hysteroscopic findings of a placental site nodule. This case demonstrates that in addition to the most common causes of uterine filling defects seen on hysterosalpingogram and sonohysterography, rarer lesions like placental site nodule also need to be considered in the differential diagnosis. Placental site nodule is a benign lesion that requires correct diagnosis to distinguish it it from other more serious placental fi ndings, but long- term follow- up is unnecessary. Therapy consists of diagnosis and expectant management.
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