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我们正在迎接一个新的时代——宽带时代的到来。宽带目前已经走出了政策限制下的排徊期,而要迈步开创一个新的时代。根据最新统计数据,宽带用户在今年年底有望突破1000万用户。市场调研公司StrategyAnalytics近期发表报告称,中国宽带业务在整个2003年将增长654.7%。这种迅猛增长的始作俑者就是接入价格。北京ADSL的包月价已经降到了120元,其他城市有的降至百元以下,有的只需要几十元。价格无疑是宽带业务迅猛发展的主因。然而,在我们看来,宽带的业务基础来自于技术,最后赢得市场的运营商在很大程度上是因为他们使用了用户更为满意的技术。只有技术满足了不断增长的市场需求,运营商才可能保有最大的用户数量,才可能最终获利。除了价格、技术之外,内容也是宽带业务发展的重要因素。然而现实是,匆匆忙忙地“修路”之后,我们并不能在路上看到什么更吸引人的内容。而宽带的未来必然是在彻底改变这样的现实才能有希望。与 We are embracing a new era - the advent of the era of broadband. Broadband is now out of the policy horizon of the discharge period, but to move toward creating a new era. According to the latest statistics, broadband subscribers are expected to top 10 million subscribers by the end of this year. Market research firm StrategyAnalytics recently published a report that China’s broadband business in 2003 will grow 654.7%. The initiator of this rapid growth is the access price. Beijing ADSL monthly package price has dropped to 120 yuan, some other cities down to below 100 yuan, and some only need a few dozen yuan. Price is undoubtedly the main reason for the rapid development of broadband services. However, in our opinion, the business fundamentals for broadband are coming from technology, and ultimately the market-winning operators are largely due to their use of technologies that are more user-friendly. Only technology to meet the growing market demand, operators may retain the largest number of users before they may eventually profit. In addition to price and technology, content is also an important factor in the development of broadband services. However, the reality is that after hurriedly “building roads,” we can not see anything more appealing on the road. And the future of broadband must have the hope of completely changing such a reality. versus
对86例EHF患者各期血清皮质醇进行了148例次观测,发现在病程各期中皮质醇含量均高于正常人。 A total of 148 cases of serum cortisol were observed in 86 cases of EHF p
用X射线光电子能谱 (XPS)表面分析技术和配有X射线能谱分析仪的扫描电镜 (SEM/EDAX)对提取于希夏邦玛峰冰芯的不溶粉尘微粒样品进行测定分析 ,结果显示 ,微粒物表面的SO2 -4
曼氏血吸虫感染导致的死亡多发生于Symmers’肝门脉周围纤维化以及继发的门脉高压和食管静脉曲张之后。许多流行病学研究甚至在住院病人中的研究,认为肝脾肿大是 Symmers’