Clinical Analysis of 106 Cases with Elevated Intraocular Pressure in Thyroid-associated Ophthalmopat

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Purpose:To summarize the clinical manifestation of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy(TAO) with elevated intraocular pressure(IOP), and to analyze the contributing factors.Methods:One hundred and six cases(188 eyes) of ocular hypertension in 339 cases(597 eyes) with TAO were collected from 1994 to 2001 and their clinic manifestations were summarized and analyzed.Results:It was demonstrated that the incidence of ocular hypertension in TAO was 31.3%, and was more frequently found in the male than in the female. The elevated IOP in TAO was found to be partially related to compression of the eyeball by enlarged extraocular muscles, the elevated intraorbital pressure as result of the proliferation of intraorbital connective tissue and the enlargement as well as swelling of extraocular muscles. It was also related to the severity of TAO other than the course of TAO. The ocular hypertension in most cases can be controlled with reduction of IOP by methylprednisolone or orbital decompression. Conclusion:Specific clinical features were found in TAO patients with ocular hypertension. It should be differentiated with primary glaucoma. The IOP in most cases can be controlled by prompt and effective treatment of TAO. Eye Science 2004;20:10-14. Purpose: To summarize the clinical manifestation of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), and to analyze the contributing factors. Methods: One hundred and six cases (188 eyes) of ocular hypertension in 339 cases (597 eyes ) with TAO were collected from 1994 to 2001 and their clinic manifestations were summarized and analyzed. Results: It was demonstrated that the incidence of ocular hypertension in TAO was 31.3%, and was more frequently found in the male than in the female. IOP in TAO was found to be partially related to compression of the eyeball by enlarged extraocular muscles, the elevated intraorbital pressure as result of the proliferation of intraorbital connective tissue and the enlargement as well as swelling of extraocular muscles. It was also related to the severity of TAO other than the course of TAO. The ocular hypertension in most cases can be controlled with reduction of IOP by methylprednisolone or orbital decompression. Co nclusion: Specific clinical features were found in TAO patients with ocular hypertension. It should be differentiated with primary glaucoma. The IOP in most cases can be controlled by prompt and effective treatment of TAO. Eye Science 2004; 20: 10-14.
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畅销书排行榜榜首《达·芬奇密码》终于搬上大银幕!版权争夺战2003年三月,《达·芬奇密码》(The Da Vinci Code)一书在美国出版,至今已经在全球卖破3400万册,不仅屡屡打破各
高职院校应高度重视实践教学环节,大力加强实验实训中心建设,从管理体系、教学改革、科研推广等方面进行深入研讨,促进高职院校“产、学、研”更好地结合。 Higher vocation
中国农村改革 20年来,农业与农村经济有了质的飞跃,取得了世人瞩目的历史性成就。进入新世纪,随着中国加入 WTO的日益临近,中国农业与农村经济将跨入一个新的发展阶段。迎面而至
中国“大片”中的权力美学正在被抬升。民众掏钱购买这种视觉教科书,从中学习各种反面的道德经验,就此滋养着人性中最危险的部分    所谓“大片”,就是以亿元人民币为结算单位的电影生产模式。《十面埋伏》2亿,《夜宴》1.2亿,《无极》号称3.5亿,而《满城尽带黄金甲》则宣称3.6亿——虽然仅仅多出1000万,却具有强烈的象征意义,显示其在投资竞赛中领先一步,刷新了中国电影史上投资额的最高纪录。尽管本年度