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鹿泉市是全省首批实现小康的县(市)之一,1995年在全省139个县(市)综合经济实力考核排位中名列十强第三。国内生产总值33亿元。全市83.3%的乡镇、84.6%的村、88.1%的户达到小康标准。小康建设几年来的实践使我们深刻体会到,只有认真贯彻执行党的基本路线,集中力量发展生产力,坚持物质文明和精神文明两手抓,两手都要硬的根本方针,才能促进经济、社会的全面发展和进步。小康建设实践中,我们从鹿泉市实际出发,本着全面发动、整体推进、因地制宜、分类指导的原则,对全市208个村、13个乡镇区的经济发展和社会状况进行深入调查研究。在此基础上,市委、市政府形成了小康建设必须从本地实际出发的共识,确立了以小康建设总揽工作全局,以发展经济为基础,以增加集体和农民收入为核心,以基础设施和公益事业建设为关键,以组织建设和精神文明建设为保证的“建强市、奔小康”的工作思路。这一战略,正是思想与实际相符合,主观与客观相符合,坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线的实践过程。 Luquan City is one of the first counties (cities) to realize well-to-do life in the province. In 1995, it ranked third among the top ten comprehensive economic strength examination units in 139 counties (cities) across the province. 3.3 billion yuan of gross domestic product. 83.3% of the townships and townships, 84.6% of villages and 88.1% of households in the city have reached the standard of well-being. The practice of a well-to-do society over the past few years has enabled us to profoundly understand that only by earnestly implementing the Party’s basic line and concentrating its energies on developing its productive forces and upholding the fundamental principle of material civilization and spiritual civilization with a firm grasp of both hands and hard work can we promote economic and social comprehensiveness Development and progress. In the practice of building a well-to-do society, we conducted an in-depth investigation of the economic development and social conditions of 208 villages and 13 townships in the whole city based on the actual situation of Luquan City and in line with the principle of launching in an all-round way, promoting the whole as a whole, and according to local conditions and classified guidance. On this basis, the municipal party committee and municipal government formed a consensus that the well-to-do society must proceed from the actual conditions in the country. It established a general policy of building a well-to-do society based on the overall situation of work, based on economic development, centered on increasing the income of collectives and peasants, Career building as the key to the building of organizations and spiritual civilization as a guarantee “Jianqiang City, Benxi ” work train of thought. This strategy is just a practical process of ideologically and factually conforming, subjectively and objectively conforming, and upholding the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts.
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2月4日,对阳春市合水镇河山村的村民来说,是一个好日子。当天上午,投资53万元、总建筑面积400多平方米的河山文化活动中心正式落成,村民们无不拍手奔走相告。“在帮扶单位的帮助和支持下,河山的竹林都变成了公园,村容村貌发生了很大的变化,极大地方便了群众的生产、生活。”河山村支部书记梁祖悦激动地说。  2013年,阳江市委办、市委政策研究室、市环境保护局、市烟草专卖局(公司)、阳江市漠阳置业发展集团有