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刘女士最近正在为一件事情而后悔莫及。原来,刘女士在今年年初购买了两只基金,上半年表现都不错,6月初,两种基金的收益分别达到30%、35%时,她因为担心基金的净值会跌,匆匆赎回。没想到的是,此后两只基金的净值仍在上升,即使在大盘调整期基金的表现仍然很好。“我现在已经少挣了10%,真是后悔啊。”其实,像刘女士这样的人不在少数。专家指出,由于受股市影响,基金投资并非一成不变的,不少人由于耐心不足,对基金长期投资的理念理解不够,往往造成了刘女士的遗憾。 Ms. Liu is lately regretful for one thing. It turned out that Ms. Liu bought two funds early this year, the performance of the first half are good, early June, the two funds income reached 30%, 35%, she worried about the net value of the Fund will fall, hastily redeemed. Unexpectedly, since then the net value of the two funds is still rising, even in the broader market adjustment fund performance is still good. “I now have less than 10% earned, really regret ah. ” In fact, such as Liu is not a minority. Experts pointed out that due to the impact of the stock market, fund investment is not static, many people due to lack of patience, lack of understanding of the long-term fund investment philosophy often led to Ms. Liu’s regret.
BACKGROUND:Microglia function as the immune surveyors of the brain under normal physiological conditions.However,microglia become activated in response to brain
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Objective To investigate the effect of muscone on cardiovascular system.Methods Experimental animals to divide muscone high、middle、low dose group(the mouse is
血红素加氧酶 (HemeOxygenaseHO)是催化血红素在体内氧化降解的限速酶 ,现发现有三种同工酶HO 1、HO 2、HO 3,它们均能催化血红素生成CO、胆绿素 (Biliverdin)及铁 ,血红素的