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  Thousands of years ago, girls and boys would gather round the fire ready to lose themselves in a fantasy[虚幻的] story world filled with epic songs of love lost, blood-curdling[令人毛骨悚然的] warfare, trials[考验] of bravery and courage and vengeful[复仇心重的] gods and goddesses. They would be both entertained and educated and would pass on what they heard from one generation to the next.
  Eventually, the oral epic tradition, home to Homer’s注1 Iliad and Odyssey, gave way to written manuscripts, begun in Britain by the 11th century Anglo-Saxon注2 poem Beowulf. Then came printed texts, widening the audience, and finally today’s e-books.
  The presentation[呈现] may have changed, but the fantasy epic still holds its appeal for young UK readers. It is a genre[体裁,流派] within which the imagination can truly run wild, taking readers to amazing places where anything can happen.
  Children still delight in C.S.Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, written between 1949 and 1954, and buy J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter books in their millions. (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, sold 11 million copies in its first 24 hours across the UK and US.) Add to that the continued success of epic trilogies[三部曲] like J.R.R.Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings and Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials and you have all the proof you need that fantasy fiction is likely to be around for thousands more years to come.
   Word of the day: Epic (n. / a.)
  An epic is traditionally a story about the adventures of a brave and legendary[传奇的] hero. Epic can also be used as an adjective to describe something heroic or extraordinary. Nowadays it is often over-used, for example, teenagers may talk about “an epic party,”meaning a party that will never be forgotten.
   Activity 1 True or False
  1. Tales of bravery and adventure have been popular for thousands of years.
  2. Society used to pass on knowledge through telling stories.
  3. The Iliad is the name of an ancient written manuscript.
  4. Fantasy fiction is loved because it captures people’s imaginations.
  5. 11 million British people bought Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on the first day it was released.
   Activity 2
  Put these forms of stories in the correct order from earliest to latest.
  1. written manuscripts
  2. oral stories
  3. e-books
  4. printed texts
   Activity 3
  Find words in the text for the following: 1. violent battles
  2. increasing the number of readers
  3. to really enjoy something
  4. a set of three books

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