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  Ⅰ 实习前的劝说
  Nick: What are you talking about?
  Billy: Google.
  Nick: Google…
  Billy: Yeah. The place is amazing. They got nap[小睡] pods, they got massage rooms, they got a volleyball court, they got the whole nine[所有,一切]. It’s ranked as the greatest place to work at in America.
  Nick: Yeah, I know. It’s a technology company—a field we know jack squat about.
  Billy: Lookit[听着], Google needs us. And Google wants us.
  Nick: They do? You got us a job at Google?
  Billy: Well, it’s not actually a job.
  Nick: What do you mean, not an actual job?
  Billy: Well, it’s an interview for an internship that has a better-than-not chance of materializing into a job.
  Nick: Billy, now you’re making me very angry. You want me to leave my job to go for an interview, not for a job but for an internship that may or may not lead to a job?
  Billy: Nick, aren’t you tired of asking for just enough to get by[混过]?
  Nick: Yes.
  Billy: I want to do something that matters. I want to have a life that I’m excited about and that’s great. Nick, I want us to go to California. And I want us to get these jobs at Google.
  jack squat = absolutely nothing,意即“完全没有;毫不知晓”。例如:
  I won jack squat when I was in Macau last weekend. (我上周末在澳门什么都没赢到。)She knows jack squat about music. (她对音乐一窍不通。)
  Ⅱ 实习中的逆袭
  比利与尼克以及其他几个古怪的实习生,加入了由初次带实习生的谷歌工作人员莱尔带领的菜鸟队伍,于是这个所谓“剩下”的团队就这样在人心涣散中成立了。从士气低迷、组员间互相看低、挑战接连失败到士气凝聚、团结协作,再到最后的胜利,他们成功逆袭。   1. 魁地奇比赛
  Neha: It’s over.
  Stuart: Yeah, our team’s a joke.
  Nick: Well, I ain’t laughing. What about you, Billy?
  Billy: Hell, no.
  Nick: Listen, we need to get our minds right and start believing.
  Billy: This reminds me of a little girl who had to get her head right and start believing, a little girl from a steel town who had the dream to dance. No one believed in that little welder[焊接工] girl, but thank God she believed in herself.
  Stuart: Are you talking about Flashdance? The movie from the 80s?
  Billy: Yeah, you’re damn[非常,极其] right I am. That’s exactly what I’m talking about.
  Stuart: Got it.
  Billy: The deck was stacked against[使不利于] Alex, and you know how she overcame those odds[差距]? By believing in herself and trying. She literally[(口)简直] had to become a maniac[疯子]. Now, in the second half of whatever the hell you guys call this game, can’t we all be that little welder girl who wants to be something more? Now, look, I know you guys aren’t excited that we’re on your team, but we’re here. Guys, we’re in this thing together. So I’m asking you, believe in yourselves, believe in each other. Let’s put on our leg warmers, and let’s dance our asses off.
  Nick: Come here, you lovable maniacs. Get in here.
  2. 开发新应用
  Neha: Great. We’re gonna lose yet another challenge, we’re not gonna get these jobs, and our lives are basically ruined.
  BILLY: Okay, hold on a sec. Your life isn’t ruined. You guys are 21 years old. You have your whole life in front of you.
  Stuart: Do you even know what it’s like to be 21 right now? I mean, a quarter of the kids coming out of college can’t even get jobs.   Yoyo: That’s a correct statistic[统计值]. Mother says you can work hard and go to the right school, but nothing is guaranteed[保证] anymore. That’s life. Sorry. Neha: These guys are right. The whole American Dream thing that you guys grew up on, that’s all it is nowadays—a dream.
  Nick: You’re too young to be this cynical[愤世嫉俗的]. Do you really see the world this way?
  Stuart: That’s not how we see it. It’s just...the way things are now.
  Billy: All right, that’s it. Everybody up. Here we go. Let’s do it. Breath-of-fresh-air time.
  (after a night of breath-of-fresh-air time) Billy: Okay, Lyle, you’re not flying. What’s 17 squared?
  Lyle: (a little bit drunk) 289. Why?
  Billy: Give me a harder question than that. You know where I’m driving with this.
  Stuart: Try, uh, maybe square root[平方根] of 17.
  Lyle: Like, 4.23, maybe?
  Nick: That’s the app. That’s the app we should do right there. Billy: What?
  Nick: Some quiz question you got to answer before you can send a drunk text or a drunk e-mail or phone call, something to protect you from yourself. Billy: That’s good. Can we do that? Neha: Hells, yeah, we could do that.
  Billy: Well, I’ll take that as an overwhelming[压倒性的] yes, then! Come on!
  Nick: C’mon, let’s get back to HQ!斯图尔特:不是我们怎么看待世界,只是……现在事情就是这样。
  关于美国梦(American Dream),有广义和狭义之分,广义上指美国的平等、自由和民主;狭义上是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须通过自己的勤奋工作、勇气、创意、和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。
  3. 备战谷歌客户热线考核
  Lyle: All right. Let’s drill[训练] it and kill it. Authorization[授权,认可] failure with Google Drive注1. Neha.
  Neha: Permission’s probably changed. Request document access[访问].
  Lyle: Bam! Chrome connectivity[连接] issue[问题]. Nick. Nick: Unselect[未选择] proxy server[代理服务器] for your LAN注2.   Lyle: Nice. Billy, I’m locked out of my Google Wallet注3 account.
  莱尔:好吧 咱们来训练攻关一下。谷歌云端认证失败,妮哈你答。
  Billy: Is that under Gmail or Wallet Help?
  Lyle: (pretends to be a customer) “Uh, I don’t know, sir. That’s kind of what I called you for.”
  Billy: Right. Here’s the deal. I’m pretty terrific[了不起的] on the phones. I could sell prosciutto[意大利熏火腿] to a rabbi[犹太传教士], and I have.
  Yoyo: Except you’re not here to sell anything.
  Stuart: Yeah, Billy, you’re not gonna be able to bullshit[吹牛] your way through this one. I mean, the only way to nail[赢得] this challenge is to study. You just...you just gotta do it, man.
  Billy: Well, great. Then study up is what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna study up. (turns to Lyle) Let me ask you, is there, like, as a general rule, like, a blanket[总括的] statement I could say that could apply to literally anything? And then I’m either gonna shove[卖掉] product down their face, right, or I’m gonna give them another hotline?
  Lyle: What you are exactly is tech support. So, if you referred them to another phone number, what would happen is that your phone would ring again, ’cause you’d be the number that they were referring to.
  Billy: What I’m suggesting is give me the blanket thing where I’m not necessarily wrong, I’m not necessarily right, and then I’ll either hit them with another helpline, a real helpline, or I’ll push some product on them. You want me to shove some product down their throat?’Cause I’ll do it.
  Lyle: Full disclosure[揭露,公开], I think you’re working harder than you have to. All you have to do is click the button and read.
  Billy: I got it. (button clicks)
  1) The babes here are so bam! (这里的宝宝好可爱!)   2) Bam! That was such a tasty dinner! (赞!这真是好美味的一餐!)
  Sal: When you franchise[给予经销权], you lose quality. You lose the taste that people trust. You wanna know why my sauce[调味汁] is better? I’ll tell you why: ’Cause I go down to the farmers’ market every day, I buy them tomatoes myself. I walk down the street, I get the basil[(植)紫苏], the oregano[(植)牛至]. Look, guys, I know these people. I’m part of the fabric[构造] of this neighborhood. That’s good enough for me.
  Billy: Sal, that’s better than good enough. That’s the best. And we’re not suggesting that you abandon the neighborhood here. All we’re saying is, what if your neighborhood got a little bit bigger?
  Stuart: Take a look at this, Sal. These are all just people that love your pizza.
  Neha: Talk about word of mouth[口碑], huh?
  Stuart: Yeah, they’re talking about you, Sal; don’t you want to talk back to them?
  Lyle: Did you know there are almost as many people from Los Gatos注4 searching for Sal’s as there are from Palo Alto注5?
  Neha: Yeah, and they pop in[突然进来] when they’re in town, but if there was a location closer to them, they’d be regulars[(口)老顾客], right?
  Stuart: Boom. Check it out right here. I found a great commercial spot right on Los Gatos Boulevard[林荫大道]. Just hit the market.
  Yoyo: That’s 0.3 miles away from the nearest farmers’market. You can smell them tomatoes from your front door.
  Neha: Farm to table.
  Lyle: F to T, baby!
  Nick: Come on.
  Billy: F to T! F to T is exactly right! We’re not asking you to abandon the artistry[艺术性]. We’re just telling you to expand the reach a little bit. But lookit, Sal, at the end of the day, the kids, they got their computers, they got their information. It’s all accurate. I get it, and I know you do, too. I tell you, Sal. I can’t blame[责备] you for being a little afraid. Hell, we were scared for a long time out there, grinding[苦干,苦学] it out with our heads down. And Lord knows I’ve fallen on my ass more than a time or two. But I promise you something. You lift your head up and take a breath. There’s a lot of great possibilities out there.   Nick: New customers, new franchise—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg, Sal. It’s all waiting at the click of a button.
  Billy: Everybody’s searching for something, Sal.
  Nick: They’re searching for you.
  Billy: We just want to help them find you.
  the tip of the iceberg的意思是“事情才开始;事物的表象”,暗示某事有更多的可能性或者某个问题可能更严重。例如:
  This is only the tip of the iceberg. Our problems can become much worse.(这只是冰山一角,我们的问题会变得更加严重。)
  Ⅲ 实习后的感激
  Billy: Chetty, I appreciate[感谢] what you said back there. I know you had us figured[估计] wrong from the beginning.
  Lyle: He voted for[投票赞成] you from the beginning.
  Nick: What?
  Lyle: Mr. Chetty was the deciding vote on the intern
  Chetty: I didn’t have a fancy[优良的] education like most of the people here. I had to work hard to get to where I am. And I recognized a similar tenacity[坚韧] in you two gentlemen, so I took a chance on you. You did test my faith a few times. Basically, the entire time. But I’m glad you proved me right.
  Nick: Chetty, thanks for betting on us.
  注2:local area network,本地网,局域网。
  注4:洛斯加托斯,位于美国旧金山湾区(The San Francisco Bay Area)的南部,距圣荷西市(San Jose)有20分钟的车程。
  注5:帕罗奥图,是美国加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县(County of Santa Clara)内的一座城市。
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