
来源 :第二军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l63cn
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目的探讨女大学生生理期情绪变化与相关激素皮质醇、雌二醇及孕酮的关系。方法情绪测评采用9维度的月经期紧张忧郁问卷(MDQ),激素样本采自唾液,检测方法为HPLC。结果月经期与增殖期比较,疼痛、集中力、行为变化、自主反应、体内水分保留、负面情绪、饮食习惯差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),觉醒情绪差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);增殖期与分泌期比较,体内水分保留、饮食习惯差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),觉醒情绪差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);月经期与分泌期比较,疼痛、集中力、行为变化、自主反应、负面情绪和饮食习惯差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。同时,分别按9个维度得分二分位分组,把调查对象划分为高分组和低分组,结果在月经期内,疼痛高、低分组之间雌二醇水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),集中力高、低分组间皮质醇、雌二醇水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。增殖期内,疼痛、体内水分保留高、低分组间皮质醇水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);觉醒情绪高、低分组间皮质醇水平,集中力高、低分组间雌二醇水平,饮食习惯高、低分组间孕酮水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。分泌期内,疼痛、自主反应、负面情绪高、低分组间雌二醇水平,负面情绪高、低分组间孕酮水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);自主反应、体内水分保留、控制力、饮食习惯高低分组间孕酮水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论女大学生生理期情绪变化与唾液激素之间存在相关性,其中,雌二醇与情绪正相关,皮质醇、孕酮与情绪负相关,说明雌二醇、皮质醇和孕酮在正常人中同样具有调节情绪的能力。 Objective To explore the relationship between emotional changes and related hormones cortisol, estradiol and progesterone in female college students during their menstrual cycle. Methods Emotional evaluation using 9 dimensions of menstrual stress disorder questionnaire (MDQ), hormone samples collected from saliva, detection method for HPLC. Results Compared with the proliferative phase, pain, concentration, behavioral changes, autonomic responses, body water retention, negative emotions and eating habits had statistical significance (P <0.01), and the awakening emotions had statistical significance (P <0.05 (P <0.01). There was a significant difference in awakening mood between the proliferative phase and the secretory phase (P <0.05). Compared with the secretory phase, the pain and concentration , Behavioral changes, autonomic reactions, negative emotions and dietary differences were statistically significant (P <0.01). At the same time, we divided the respondents into two groups according to the scores of nine dimensions. The subjects were divided into high-grade group and low-grade group. The results showed that during the menstrual period, there was significant difference between the two groups (P <0.01) , High concentration, low score group cortisol, estradiol levels were statistically significant (P <0.05). During the proliferative phase, pain, high retention of water in the body, and low level of cortisol were statistically significant (P <0.05); high wakefulness, low level of cortisol, high concentration, low level of estradiol , High eating habits, low progesterone level difference was statistically significant (P <0.01). During the secretory phase, pain, autonomic reaction, high negative emotions, low estradiol level, high negative emotions, and low progesterone level were statistically significant (P <0.05); autonomic responses, in vivo water retention, control There was significant difference in progesterone levels between high and low groups (P <0.01). Conclusion There is a correlation between emotional changes and salivary hormones in female college students. There is a positive correlation between estradiol and emotion. Cortisol and progesterone are negatively correlated with emotion, indicating that estradiol, cortisol and progesterone are the same in normal subjects Has the ability to regulate emotions.
一、审题常见病症  1. 脱离材料随意而为2. 朦胧感知似是而非  3. 抓一鳞而弃全鱼4. 抓现象而弃本质  二、高考作文审题立意的要求  审题就是审读作文试题各个部分的文字,力求确切,做到不漏、不改、不误。所谓“不漏”,即全面审题,不遗漏任何要求。所谓“不改”,即准确审题,不随意改变试题的要求。所谓“不误”,即正确审题,不误解题目的要求。  所谓“立意”是在审好题之后,确定自己要写的主要内容,
本报讯 为推进国土资源管理工作依法行政规范化,穆棱市国土资源局在全局开展了国土资源管理、依法行政规范化的自检、自查、自纠工作,研究制定了深化、细化管理的工作标准。