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一、弄清劳动合同的要点1.合同法定条款和约定条款:劳动合同有必备条款和增加条款之分。按照我国劳动法规定,必备条款是:劳动合同的期限、工作内容、劳动保护和劳动条件、劳动报酬、劳动纪律、劳动合同终止的条件以及违反劳动合同的责任。而可以增加的条款是双方约定的其他条款,如试用期条款、商业秘密的保护条款、服务期条款、特殊待遇条款等。2.合同的法律效力:无论是法定条款还是约定其他条款,都必须合法才有效。但要注意,在签订劳动合同时,合同也可能不完全具备上述条款,这样的劳动合同就一定是无效的吗?并不一定。从法律上说,只有违反法律和行政法规的劳动合同才会无效。在劳动合同条款不完备的情况下,双方可以就未约定的内容进行协商,或参照企业的规章制度、国家劳动部门有关标准来执行;双方有争议的,可以由仲裁机关和法院根据有利于劳动者的原则进行确定。 First, to clarify the main points of the labor contract 1 contract statutory provisions and terms of contract: the labor contract has the necessary provisions and added terms. According to China’s labor law, the essential provisions are: the duration of the labor contract, the content of the work, labor protection and labor conditions, remuneration, labor discipline, the conditions for the termination of the labor contract and the responsibility for breach of the labor contract. The terms that can be added are other terms agreed upon by both parties, such as terms of probation, protection of trade secrets, terms of service, special terms of treatment, and the like. 2. The legal effect of the contract: Whether it is statutory provisions or other terms agreed, must be valid only. However, it should be noted that the contract may not fully have the above provisions when signing a labor contract, and such a labor contract must be ineffective? Not necessarily. Legally speaking, only labor contracts that violate laws and administrative regulations are ineffective. In case of incomplete labor contract terms, both parties may consult on the non-agreed content or refer to the rules and regulations of the enterprise and the relevant standards of the state labor department to carry out the dispute; both parties may dispute their merits in favor of labor The principle of determining.
关注1:明确学生权利义务通过列举学生的6项权利和6项义务,确立了学生在学校内部关系的权利主体地位,也规定了学校的权利边界。(第5、6条) Concern 1: clear the rights and
一个小男孩在街上踢球。他踢得太使劲了,砸坏了一所房子的窗户,球也掉进了房子里。小男孩跑掉了。 A young boy is playing in the street. He played too hard, broke the
穿一身绿衣绿裤,骑一辆绿色自行车,常常穿梭于大街小巷,这便是邮递员。绿色也有深绿、浅绿之分,诸如其他墨绿、淡绿等等叫法也很多,于是生活中就有一种叫作“邮电绿”的颜色。  我也曾在投递岗位上工作过两年,1985年5月,我参加工作后,分在离家乡40公里外一个小镇上担任乡邮员,负责两个乡的投递工作,初到那里,人生地不熟,就连自行车也是刚刚学会不久。乡邮员的工作看似简单,其实很繁琐,尤其是前期的准备工作,