
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragoncool
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2013年以来,“三北”地区大量的弃风、弃光现象成为我国新能源发展的一大痛点。本刊就新能源发展的相关问题专访了中电联“大规模新能源发电并网消纳”调研组成员、国网能源研究院新能源研究所所长李琼慧。李琼慧所长作为行业资深专家,全程参与了中电联调研组在各地的调研活动。李琼慧所长在接受本刊记者采访时指出,风电光伏不仅是能源问题,还是产业问题。新能源产业在国家发展战略中,承担了许多非能源的属性。我们不能只看到弃风、弃光所导致能源资源浪费的一面,还要看到风电光伏规模化发展带来的全产业链整体效益提升的一面,以及风电光伏产业规模做大后其国际竞争力大幅提高的一面。对新能源产业发展目标的设定,应该是追求规模、效率与产业三者的协同,而不是片面追求规模或能效。因此,她认为,在当前新能源发电产业快速发展的阶段,完全杜绝弃风、弃光问题是不现实的,完全不弃风、弃光必然要求降低发展速度;也不主张急于推进完全取消补贴。无论是从我国能源转型的角度分析,还是从培育国家战略新兴产业的需要看,各方通力协作,综合因时因地施策,积极推进新能源产业科学可持续发展,还将是一个长期过程。 Since 2013, a large number of abandoned winds and abandoned light in the “Three Norths” region have become a major pain point in the development of new energy in our country. The magazine interviewed relevant members of the CEC’s “Large-scale New Energy Power Generation and Consumption” research group on the related issues of new energy development. Li Qionghui, director of New Energy Research Institute of State Grid Energy Research Institute, was interviewed. Director Li Qionghui, as a senior expert in the industry, has participated in the research activities of CITAR research groups all over the country. Li Qionghui director in an interview with our correspondents pointed out that wind power photovoltaic is not only an energy issue, but also an industrial issue. The new energy industry has undertaken many non-energy attributes in its national development strategy. We can not only see the side of discarding the waste of energy resources caused by abandoning light, but also see the overall benefit of the whole industry chain brought by the large-scale development of wind power photovoltaic and the international competition after the scale of wind power photovoltaic industry is enlarged A substantial increase in power side. The new energy industry development goals set should be the pursuit of scale, efficiency and industry synergy of the three, rather than one-sided pursuit of scale or energy efficiency. Therefore, she believes that the current era of rapid development of new energy power generation industry, completely eliminate the typhoon, Abandoned the issue is unrealistic, not to abandon the wind, Abandoned will inevitably require the reduction of the pace of development; nor advocate eager to promote the complete abolition of subsidies . Whether it is from the perspective of China’s energy transition or from the need of fostering the national strategic emerging industries, all parties will work together to comprehensively promote the scientific and sustainable development of the new energy industry as a result of policy implementation on time and will be a long-term process.