
来源 :中等林业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichiuyun13
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根据现代化林业发展的需要,中等林业学校自九十年代初开始设立“林业推广学”课程。它是研究如何把科研成果和革新技术有效地转化为现实生产力,探讨加速科学技术传播的理论和方法的学科,具有较强的理论性和实践性,在教学中必须做到理论联系实际,用丰富多彩的教学方法达到本课程所要求的教学目标:使学生掌握林业推广组织机构的建立、管理工作的实施和推广工作所必需的基本理论知识和工作方法。因为是新开设的课程,在教学过程中必然存在一些问题,大体概括如下:一是该课程内容多,课时少,教学活动易表现为浮于表面而难以深入。“林业推广学”是汲取了多学科精华的边缘学科,有着丰富内涵。大纲要求用60学 According to the needs of the development of modern forestry, secondary forestry schools have set up the “Forestry Promotion Studies” course since the early nineties. It is a discipline that studies how to effectively transfer scientific research achievements and innovative technologies into actual productive forces and discusses the theories and methods of accelerating the dissemination of science and technology. It has strong theoretical and practical aspects. It must be integrated with theory and practice in teaching A variety of teaching methods to achieve the teaching objectives required by this course: to enable students to master the establishment of forestry promotion organizations, management of the implementation and promotion of basic theoretical knowledge and working methods necessary. Because it is a newly-opened course, there are necessarily some problems in the teaching process, which are generally summarized as follows: First, the content of the course is more and the class hours are less; the teaching activities are easy to surface and difficult to be in-depth. “Forestry Promotion Studies ” is the fringe discipline that draws on the essence of multi-disciplines and has rich connotation. Outline requirements with 60 learning
This paper reviews the requirements for Software Defi ned Radio (SDR) systems for high-speed wireless applications and compares how well the different technolog