Genetic diversity in Ebola virus:Phylogenetic and in silico structural studies of Ebola viral protei

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanlei753
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Objective:To explore the genetic diversity and the modification of antibody response in the recent outbreak of Ebola Virus.Methods:Sequences retrieved from public databases,the selective pressure analysis and the homology modelling based on the all protein(nucleoprotein.VP35,VP40.soluble glycoprotein,small soluble glycoprotein.VP30,VP24 and polymerase) were used.Results:Structural proteins VP24.VP30.VP35 and VP40 showed relative conserved sequences making them suitable target candidates for antiviral treatment.On the contrary,nucleoprotein.polymerase and soluble glycoprotein have high mutation frequency.Conclusions:Data from this study point out important aspects of Ebola virus sequence variability that for epitope and vaccine design should be considered for appropriate targeting of conserved protein regions. Objective: To explore the genetic diversity and the modification of antibody response in the recent outbreak of Ebola Virus. Methods: Sequences retrieved from public databases, the selective pressure analysis and the homology modeling based on the all protein (nucleoprotein. VP35, VP40.soluble glycoprotein, small soluble glycoprotein. VP30, VP24 and polymerase) were used. Results: Structural proteins VP24. VP30. VP35 and VP40 showed relative conserved sequences making them suitable target candidates for antiviral treatment. On the contrary, nucleoprotein. polymerase and soluble glycoprotein have high mutation frequency. Conclusions: Data from this study point out important aspects of Ebola virus sequence variability that for epitope and vaccine design should be considered appropriate targeting of conserved protein regions.
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小名片  毛荣富,中学语文特级教师,全国优秀语文教师,全国教育系统劳动模范。毕业于复旦大学中文系,从教三十余年,发表文章千余篇,著有《元明散曲》《作文散步》《漫步教坛》等专著多部。  先看一个作文片段:  在公交车上,我发现女司机对着一位刚上车的老太吼道:“你的卡不能用,看看清楚。”原来,老人把身份证当作敬老卡了。尚未站稳的老太怯怯地说:“好,我拿钱。”只见老人掏出一个手绢包,慌忙地寻找钱。里面只
4 发动机不易起动;起动后不易提速(发闷),汽车行驶无力;急加速时,化油器有时回火,甚至发动机易熄火;发动机温度较高此故障现象是由于混合气过稀或点火过迟所造成的。常见原
目的 研究热性惊厥患儿的复发危险因素及预后情况。方法 结合 98例热性惊厥患儿的临床及脑电图资料 ,研究其复发、转为癫疒间和出现智力障碍及行为异常的情况。结果 复发