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2004年6月9日至16日,北京国际汽车展览会在中国国际展览中心和全国农业展览馆同时举行。总的来说,这次车展举办得还是比较成功的,无论从展会规模、参展车辆层次和观众人数都达到了历史的新高;但也正是因为车展的规模变大,这次参展的车辆被迫“兵分两路”,小车的展出以国展为主,而商用汽车及零部件类,则在农展馆“自起炉灶”,面对着每天的观众做出自己的不懈努力。针对这次参展的客车而言,不得不承认还有些许遗憾。首先是参展企业数量不大,本次在农展馆参展的客车企业仅为10家,行业老大宇通的缺席,3家金龙也只有厦门金龙赶来北京独挡一面,其他一些大型的客车企业也在权衡之后选择了退出。再者是在来农展馆观众不多,展会7天下来,来参观的观众数量也确实叫那些为本次展会精心准备的客车企业心疼了一把。还好,这次展出的一些客车还是给了我们不少的惊喜与欣慰。虽然参展的客车企业不多,但是每一家都还有自己的特点。综观本次车展,记者谈谈自己对客车参展企业及其产品的一些心得和感受。 From June 9 to June 16, 2004, Beijing International Automobile Exhibition will be held concurrently with China International Exhibition Center and National Agricultural Exhibition Center. Overall, the auto show was held quite successfully, no matter from the scale of the exhibition, the number of vehicles participating in the exhibition and the audience reached a historical high. However, precisely because of the bigger auto show, the exhibitors’ vehicles were Forced to “soldiers divided into two routes,” car exhibition to the main exhibition, and commercial vehicles and parts category, then in the Agricultural Exhibition Hall “self-starter” in the face of the daily audience to make their own unremitting efforts. In terms of the bus for this exhibition, have to admit that there is a little regrettable. The first is the small number of exhibitors, the exhibitors at the Agricultural Exhibition Hall only 10 bus companies, the absence of the industry leader Yutong, Jinlong Dragon 3 Xiamen Dragon only came to Beijing to work on its own, other large bus companies also After weighing off chose to quit. Furthermore, there are not many visitors to the Agricultural Exhibition Hall. The number of visitors coming to the exhibition for 7 days has really distressed those bus companies that have prepared for this exhibition. Fortunately, some of the buses on display this time gave us a lot of surprises and comforts. Although participating bus companies are small, but each has its own characteristics. Looking at this show, the reporter talked about his bus exhibitors and their products some experience and feelings.