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Until I was 13, I assumed I was just like everyone else. But one day I read a piece of paper in my dad's briefcase that changed everything. That's when I saw the words that pierced me like a bullet:
This is the Cyprus that the local people know and love-small, family-run hotels with home-cooked food, forest trails, empty beaches,spectacular sunsets, and cool, quiet nights with pitch-black skies.
It hit me one day in 2005 walking up 8th .Avenue on my way to work at Newsweek. During my bus ride from New Jersey, I'd been reading the online edition of the Portland Press Herald, the paper from my
Dear Maureen:  It's been 15 years since we saw your smile,that great big smile that buried the rest of your face. It was your trademark, a peek into your soul.When your eyes started crinkling around t
薇雨 翻译&撰稿    A veil has lifted that 1)shrouded my eyes  The folds that lay over me no longer lie  Your infinity is revealed to me  It shines in your infinite smile    It was like a gift floating down t
Britain's poorest Olympic sports may have to rely on public donations if they are to make it to the London Games following an admission that private-sector sponsorship could raise as little as £10 mil
Women and their hair-a never-ending dilemma. The world could be immersed in political scandals, wars, and other newsworthy events, but nothing stimulates conversation better than hair.
当一只狗拥有了人类的灵魂,世界在它心中会是什么样子?如果你好奇你的狗在想什么,The Art of Racing in the Rain这本书将告诉你答案!  恩佐,一只自称“拥有人类灵魂”的狗,仔细观察主人——赛车手丹尼的一举一动,以幽默而温暖的口吻,讲述丹尼一家的悲欢离合。无论是幸福时光、困顿岁月,还是在痴痴守望、苦尽甘来的日子里,它始终陪伴在主人身边,目睹这个家庭的幸福、离散和忧伤,感受生命
眼不见,心不烦  没时间去做决定  我们要逃避么?我该躲起来么?  在我余下的人生里
小兰 译    Our family is filled with sadness due to the death of the last 1)matriarch of our 2)clan. Why do I feel that something is missing? I can remember all the family history and traditions that wer