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发展神速,产销飙升,这种局面在中国摩托车行业的发展过程中司空见惯,时有出现,不过这多是针对前些年所言。近几年,摩托车行业出现了诸多的问题,发展进程明显放缓,产销全面飙升的局面很难再现,虽也有进步,却总是徐徐而进,未呈现直线型上升的态势。而2006年上半年,这种徐徐而进的步伐再度被加快,并将导致中国摩托车行业今年全年的发展形态尽被改写,虽然目前尚仅过了半年,下半年还会有变数发生,但我们可以确信,不论发生什么变数,今年年产量突破2000万辆的强势已经不可能被强行逆转,因为胜局早在今年上半年就被彻底奠定。今年上半年,中国摩托车行业的各种数据煞是喜人,产销分别同比增长37.96%和35.77%出口与创汇更是分别同比增长55.75%和60.80%。这种态势,仅能用积蓄多年的发展能量终于大爆发来形容:这种态势,更给某些忧心忡忡的业内人士一次震撼——原来一切担忧都大可不必。今年以来,中国摩托车行业的形势有些异常,呈错综复杂状态。尤其是对部分企业而言,销量下滑,市场对生产的拉动作用减少,企业处于风雨飘摇中,前途未卜,这其中,间或还传来又有某家摩企倒闭关门的信息,更使人们对行业的前景有些迷茫。我们对这种态势也给予了极大的关注,努力探求是什么原因、什么力 Rapid development, production and sales soaring, this situation in the development of China’s motorcycle industry commonplace, sometimes appear, but this is mostly for a few years ago said. In recent years, there have been many problems in the motorcycle industry, the development process has slowed down obviously, the situation in which the production and sales are surging so hard to reproduce is difficult to reproduce. Although progress has been made, the trend of straight-line rise has not been presented. In the first half of 2006, the pace of such gradual acceleration was once again accelerated and will lead to the development of China’s motorcycle industry throughout the year. Although only half a year has passed, there will be a number of variables in the second half of the year. However, we can be sure that no matter what happens, the strength of breaking 20 million units this year can not be forcibly reversed as the victory was completely established as early as the first half of this year. In the first half of this year, all kinds of data in China’s motorcycle industry were truly gratifying. Output and sales increased by 37.96% and 35.77% respectively compared with the same period of last year, while export and foreign exchange earnings increased by 55.75% and 60.80% respectively. This situation can only be explained by the fact that the accumulated energy savings for many years have finally come to a burst. This kind of situation is even more shocking to some worried professionals in the industry. This year, the situation in China’s motorcycle industry is somewhat abnormal and intricate. Especially for some enterprises, the decline in sales, the market pull of production to reduce the role of enterprises in precarious, uncertain future, of which, there are also heard or closed down a friction between the information, but also make people on the industry Some of the prospects of the confusion. We have also given great attention to this situation, trying hard to find out what and why
陆正飞先生 ,1963年11月生于江苏海门 ,中共党员 ,1981年9月考入杭州商学院企业管理系财务与会计专业学习 ,1985年7月毕业并获经济学学士学位 ,同年考入中国人民大学财政系会计学专业攻读硕士
目的原核表达、纯化乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)核心抗原(HBcAg)(1~155)与前S1抗原(PreS1)(3~55)融合蛋白,并分析其免疫原性。方法从HBeAg阳性慢性乙型肝炎患者血清中提取HBV DNA,以其为