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一、发展大熊猫文化产业的意义进入新世纪以来,中国的经济体制改革创造了令世界瞩目的成绩,成为仅次于美国的世界第二大经济体。在“硬实力”逐渐增强的同时,提升“软实力”的重要性正日益凸显。当今世界正在进行一场权力转移,权力已经从暴力和资本向文化转移,21世纪企业间、城市间、国家间的竞争,最根本的是文化的竞争,文化将成为世界资源配置与竞争力的核心。 First, the significance of the development of the giant panda culture industry Since entering the new century, China’s economic restructuring has created world-renowned achievements, becoming the world’s second largest economy after the United States. While the “hard power” is gradually enhanced, the importance of upgrading “soft power” is increasingly prominent. Nowadays the world is undergoing a transfer of power. Power has shifted from violence and capital to culture. The competition among enterprises, cities and countries in the 21st century is most fundamental to cultural competition. Culture will become the world’s resource allocation and competitiveness. core.
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患儿,男,七个月。以发热6d为主诉入院。6d前无明显诱因发热,体温最高达T41.5℃,在当地医院按“上感”治疗无效。查体:T37.6℃,P106次/min,R29次/min,Wt 7 Children, male,