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实施城乡良性互动战略,就是要通过综合运用市场和非市场力量,积极促进城乡产业结构调整、人力资源配置、金融资源配置和社会发展等各个领域的良性互动和协调发展,既充分发挥城市对农村的带动作用,又充分发挥农村对城市的促进作用,逐步形成以市场机制为基础、城乡之间全方位自主交流与平等互利合作、有利于改变城乡二元经济结构的体制和机制,实现工业与农业、城市与农村发展良性互动,使城乡购买力在全面提高的基础上实现动态平衡,从而促进城乡一体化发展。 The implementation of the benign interaction strategy of urban and rural areas means actively promoting the benign interaction and coordinated development in various fields such as the industrial structure adjustment in urban and rural areas, the allocation of human resources, the allocation of financial resources and social development through the integrated use of market and non-market forces, giving full play to the role of cities in rural areas , And give full play to the role of rural areas in promoting cities. We will gradually establish a system and mechanism that is based on market mechanisms and that enables all-dimensional and independent exchanges and equality and mutual benefits between urban and rural areas, changes in the dual economic structure between urban and rural areas, The benign interaction between agriculture, urban development and rural development enabled the urban-rural purchasing power to achieve a dynamic balance based on an overall improvement so as to promote the integration of urban and rural areas.
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目的:为了研究细胞因子在小儿反复呼吸道感染中的作用。方法:本文采用免疫分析技术对反复呼吸道感染患儿血清中IL-2(白细胞介素- 2)、IL-8(白细胞介素- 8)、SIL-2R(可溶性IL-2受体)、TF-α(肿瘤坏死因子α)、TGF-
目的 探讨小儿先天性胸段气管狭窄的有效治疗方法。方法 采用气管切开术 ,以硬性支气管镜从颈部切口进入狭窄区扩张及通过硬性支气管镜放球囊扩张管进行扩张。结果 本组 5
我们从一九八六年以来采用角巩膜阶梯形切口,所做50例老年性白内障,现将疗效报告如下: 方法:同一般内眼手术常规操作 球结膜切口,采用窟窿部为基底的切口法。然后沿角膜缘灰
石冠卿教授是国家首批选定的名老中医之一 ,从事中医临床、教育六十余载。一生治学严谨 ,勤奋刻苦 ,医术高超 ,每以小方轻药愈沉疴顽疾 ,疗效神奇。为人正直 ,德高望重 ,享誉