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生活是写作的基础和源泉,所以写作和生活不能割裂开来,让学生坐在几十见方的“笼子”里去凭空捏造生活,还要形成语言文字,并记录下来,写成作文,这是多么不切实际的行为。由于学生不能感悟生活,不能从生活中汲取营养,导致写作中产生如下一些弊端:复制、照抄、翻版生活,缺乏个性、细节、情趣,内容失真,矫揉造作、无病呻吟。所以,培养学生的写作技能,提高学生的写作水平,关键让学生走近生活,观察自然、社会,我想这样写出来的作文才会充实,饱满,有灵性。这样的作文才会有生命力。我觉得可以从以下几个方面去努力。 Life is the foundation and source of writing, so writing and living can not be separated, allowing students to sit in dozens of square “cage ” to fabricate life in the air, but also to form the language, and recorded, written, which How unrealistic behavior. As students can not comprehend life, they can not learn nutrition from their daily life. As a result, they have some shortcomings as follows: copying, copying and republishing life, lack of personality, detail, taste, content distortion, artificiality and groaning. Therefore, cultivating students ’writing skills and improving students’ writing skills are the keys to getting students closer to life and observing nature and society. I think the essay written in this way will be enriched, full and spiritual. Such an essay will have vitality. I think we can work hard from the following aspects.
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