
来源 :中国植保导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangjunfeng_2009
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2001年以来,小麦条锈病在商洛市重发流行的频次较20世纪80年代至90年代末显著增多,给当地小麦生产带来严重威胁。通过对商洛市不同时期、不同气候区域小麦条锈病的发生规律和流行特点的总结与分析,提出基于气象分析在小麦条锈病的中、长期预报中存在局限性,要提高数值化预报准确率,需要对病害调查数据进行统一标准化,达到调查数据根据需要在不同流行区域之间、不同预报水平上进行统计分析。针对商洛市不同时期病害的发生特点,提出越冬及早春菌源扩散区在测报防治中地位突出,在准确掌握越冬及早春菌源扩散区的基础上,开展春季关口前移防治。 Since 2001, the frequency of wheat stripe rust relapse in Shangluo City has increased significantly from the 1980s to the late 1990s, posing a serious threat to the local wheat production. Based on the summary and analysis of the occurrence and epidemic characteristics of wheat stripe rust in different periods and different climatic regions in Shangluo City, the paper proposed that there are some limitations in the medium and long-term prediction of stripe rust in wheat based on meteorological analysis, and it is necessary to improve the accuracy of numerical prediction, It is necessary to standardize the disease survey data to achieve the statistical analysis of the survey data as needed between different prevailing regions and different forecast levels. According to the occurrence characteristics of diseases in different periods in Shangluo city, we put forward that the overwintering and early spring mycelial diffusion zones are prominent in the prevention and control of the meteorological reports. On the basis of accurately grasping the diffusion zones of the overwintering and early spring mycorrhizae, we carry out the spring gate prevention and treatment.
为筛选出能有效防治大麦条纹病的杀菌剂,选用6种杀菌剂对大麦感病品种S-4进行拌种防治试验。结果表明,用10%苯醚甲环唑WG 2.0 g拌种1 000 g种子,防治大麦条纹病效果较好,并对
旨在优化发酵豆粕中大豆异黄酮的提取条件,通过单因素试验,确定从发酵豆粕中提取大豆异黄酮的最佳提取条件是:60%乙醇,料液比200g/L,室温下提取60 min,提取2次.此条件下异黄酮
目的 探讨外科感染常见的病原菌种类及其耐药性. 方法 采集外科感染标本,用美国德灵公司的药敏分析/细菌鉴定仪Microscan Wat RA way - 40系统进行细菌鉴定并作药敏分析. 结
根据GenBank公布的猪博卡病毒(PBoV)序列,通过VP1/2基因设计引物和Taq Man探针建立实时荧光定量PCR检测方法.建立的方法与PPV、PRRSV及PCV均无交叉反应,具有较高特异性,在107
Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the cancer incidence and mortality in Huai'an area, China, from 2009 to 2011. Methods: The data about cancer