
来源 :山东教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XXLXSJXXLXSJ
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“你幸福吗?”这是2012年对我们每一个国人的时代拷问;2013年伊始,社会又提出了“你的梦想是什么”的新畅想。这两个话题都涉及人生深层次的需求,甚至是带有终极性意义的话题。在笔者看来,无论是幸福,还是梦想,都需要教育去实现、去完成。那么,我们需要思考的是,教育在幸福的人生和梦想的实现中应该起到怎样的作用。教育与幸福,不可分离。诚如美国著名学者内尔·诺丁斯所说,幸福或许不是教育或生活的唯一目的,但它是核心的目的。可以说,教育的重要目的即是为了学生的幸福。 “Are you happy?” This is the contemporary torture of each and every one of our people in 2012; from the beginning of 2013, the society came up with a new vision of “what is your dream?” Both of these topics involve deep-seated needs in life, and even topics of ultimate significance. In my opinion, whether it is happiness or dream, we all need education to achieve and complete. Well, what we need to think about is what role education should play in the realization of a happy life and dream. Education and happiness can not be separated. As the well-known scholar Nel Nodins said, happiness may not be the only purpose of education or life, but it is the core purpose. It can be said that the important purpose of education is to make students happy.
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