Diagnosis of Multiple Fixture Faults in Multiple-Station Manufacturing Processes Based on State Spac

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woxia012
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Dimensional quality is one of the most critical challenges in industries, which uses the multistage manufacturing process (MMP) such as assembly and machining for automotive and aerospace industries. According to investigations, fixture faults accounted for 72% of all the dimensional faults. Previous studies focused on only one fault or multiple faults occurred in one station or one fault in multiple stations, but these cases rarely appear in the real manufacturing. This paper presents a method for diagnosis of multiple fixture faults in the multi-station manufacturing process. The proposed method is based on the state space model of the MMP processes, which carries the information of the fixture layout geometry and sensor position. To identify the root cause, three continuous steps were used: a) development of the state space model and the construction of the statistics variables on offline mode, b) measurement of the coordinate measuring machines data on online mode and calculation of the statistics va Dimensional quality is one of the most critical challenges in industries, which uses the multistage manufacturing process (MMP) such as assembly and machining for automotive and aerospace industries. According to investigations, fixture faults accounted for 72% of all the dimensional faults. Previous studies focused on only one fault or multiple fault occurred in one station or one fault in multiple stations, but these cases rarely appear in the real manufacturing. This paper presents a method for diagnosis of multiple fixture faults in the multi-station manufacturing process. method is based on the state space model of the MMP processes, which carries the information of the fixture layout geometry and sensor position. To identify the root cause, three continuous steps were used: a) development of the state space model and the construction of the statistics variables on offline mode, b) measurement of the coordinate measuring machines data on online mode and calculation o f the statistics va
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[摘要]现代社会的主要能源之一是电力,它与国民经济的发展息息相关。随着科学技术的发展、经济的飞速发展,市场竞争越来越激烈,电网项目的规模也越来越大,各种新工艺、新技术在电网建设中得到广泛深入的应用。然一旦出现电压波动或短暂停电就会导致重大损失,所以电力系统需要配网以实现自动化来提升管理水平,不仅有效避免了停电所造成的损失而且可以优化电能。  [关键词]电力系统;配网自动化;分布智能模式;集中智能模