Research on the style design of female images in《the first half of my life》

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  Abstract:as an indispensable role in TV drama,women are of great significance to the development and trend of TV drama plot. This paper takes the female image style in urban ethics drama the first half of my life as the research object,and takes Luo Zijun as an example. According to the change of TV drama plot,it is found that the character shape changes with it,and studies the female character shape from the aspects of color,style and shape This paper studies Luo Zijun's transformation before and after divorce and the change of his image style by means of contrast.
  Key words:the first half of my life;Luo Zijun;female image style
  1、Female image design theory
  (1)The concept of female image design
  The concept of "image design" originated from stage art,and was later used by fashion show professionals to design the overall combination of hairstyle,makeup and clothing for models before fashion show,and then developed into a similar service for specific consumers. Character image design is the use of plastic arts means,through make-up design,hairstyle design,fashion design,behavior and other aspects to design a suitable image in line with the character's occupation,character,age,self-cultivation.
  (2)Elements of female image design
  Image design is not only limited to personal characteristics of hair,makeup and clothing,but also includes the external performance of internal character,such as temperament,behavior,conversation,living habits and so on. The artistic elements of personal image design include the following aspects:body elements,hairstyle elements,makeup elements,clothing style elements,accessories elements,personality elements,psychological elements,cultural elements,etc.
  2、Analysis of the characteristics of female image style design
  (1)Drama style design
  Drama style clothing design is exaggeration and rendering in a specific area. There is a sense of existence,fashion,focus decoration,high color purity,straight lines from the line,from the middle to the static dynamic. Facial features:the facial contour is clear,and the facial features are exaggerated and three-dimensional. Full of sense of quantity,tall and bony,looks significantly higher than the actual height. Luo Zijun,the heroine of the first half of my life,is relatively pretty,with a small skeleton and a juvenile style,which is not suitable for dramatic dressing. Her character is a full-time wife who is well-off at first. As soon as she appears,she is wearing short purple curly hair. She looks lazy and delicate,but it reveals that she not only likes publicity and domineering personality,but also has no elegance and taste at all.   (2)Neutral style design
  "Neutral style" refers to a design style that weakens the female characteristics and adds men's clothing elements to make the clothing style masculine and create a handsome and straightforward modern style. Neutral style gives people a simple,fashionable,capable and neat feeling. It has the characteristics of young,moving and static in the middle,straight line. With the change of the plot and the identity of the characters,the dressing style becomes low-key. The colors are mainly soft camel and white coats. The color purity is not high. The neutral color makes people feel relaxed and calm,and has a strong intellectual tone. It has become the color most accepted by most people. The outline of her dress is straight,which also echoes with her attitude towards life after her divorce.
  3、Analysis on the style characteristics of female jewelry
  (1)Jewelry drama style design
  Drama jewelry has the function of beautifying clothing,has a strong visual effect and artistic appeal,has a highlight of the drama style accessories,jewelry style is characterized by each turning point of the line is straight,the largest sense of quantity,exaggerated atmosphere,personalized elements,refuse mediocrity,linear,large sense of quantity,brilliant. High purity golden yellow on the bottom,decorated with black large area of auspicious clouds,strong color contrast,style exaggeration chic,and before the divorce of her domineering,beauty,personality characteristics echo.
  (2)Neutral style design of jewelry
  Neutral jewelry style atmosphere clean,without too much decoration and complex patterns,color to pure color,lightness and purity are low,the outline is strong,material quality. Luo Zijun's character modeling design after divorce fits the character image and role modeling. The light blue bag modeling is modern and capable,and the yellow bag modeling is lively,warm and bright. It is both eye-catching and fashionable to be used in accessories. The outline is relatively simple,showing straight lines. The material is relatively strong,not easy to deform,and the decoration is few. At the same time,it can perfectly match with the colorless series to give the urban modern temperament,and is compatible with the modern style Her dress is comfortable,harmonious and beautiful.
  Through the analysis of Luo Zijun's character image style in my first half of life,we can see that the character image in film and television plays can not be separated from the image style design of character modeling. In life,women must create their own image style to improve their self-confidence and taste,and pursue themselves. They not only attach importance to the modification of local image,but also attach importance to all-round promotion,so as to create a perfect image that highlights their own personality,appearance,temperament and demeanor,and their own unique style.
【摘 要】本研究采用网上调查问卷的方式,旨在关注当代智慧媒体对青少年心理健康的影响。通过对青少年智慧媒体的基本使用情况和心理状况数据的调查,分析青少年使用智慧媒体的时间、目的、表现等,进一步分析两者可能存在的关系,并提出一定的建议。结果表明,智慧媒体的使用已经成为大部分青少年的日常,与此同时部分青少年出现紧张、注意力不集中以及对某些事过分担忧等心理问题。  【关键词】心理健康;智慧媒体;青少年  
【摘 要】当前,主流高等教育中一般技术课程的实施存在一些普遍问题,例如观念陈旧,上课时间减少,设备不足和教师短缺。在应对这些挑战时,我们应该改变思想和观念,对课程有更好的了解;充分利用内部和外部资源来丰富培训工具,以弥补资源的不足;完善教师发展平台,以确保有效的计划实施。技术课程。江苏省如某某市成立“如某某市普通技术教育实验学校”,实现如某某县普通高中普通技术特殊班和实验室的共享,了解教学资源的共
【摘 要】许多作者在写作的时候,都会描写出一个未曾出现过,但是在人们口中却津津乐道的人物。作为我国古典四大名著之一的《红楼梦》中也有这样一个人物,那就是林黛玉的母亲——贾敏。她是《红楼梦》人物中最早死去的一个,曹公对她的叙述少之又少,因此,在浩如烟海的红学著作中,鲜有专门谈及贾敏人物形象分析的文章。本文便从《红楼梦》的只言片语中探求贾敏的人物形象性格。  【关键词】贾敏;红楼梦;人物形象  众所周
Abstract:all along,packaging design is a very important field in design,its coverage is very wide,designers in the creative process is not imaginary,arbitrary creation. Packaging design is naturally t
【摘 要】現代社会是一个信息化的社会,计算机技术在社会发展中具有十分关键的作用,同时也在很大程度上改变了行业的发展模式,目前随着计算机技术在社会发展中的重要性不断凸显,各行业领域都需要大量的计算机人才。而中职学校作为培养专业技能型人才的重要平台,在培养计算机人才的过程中,需要保证相关人才的素质能够满足行业的发展需求,通过实施一体化教学对学生知识以及能力进行更加有效的培养,从而保障学生的就业,并未社
一、教学背景分析  1.1教学内容分析  在教学内容当中针对教学内容进行分析,《化学反应中的质量变化》在整体的教学活动当中,针对具体的化学知识学习有着承上启下的作用。在学习这节课知识之后学生可以进行一些回顾,针对原来学习的一些化学知识将会有更深的理解和认识。同时在学习了《化学反应中的质量变化》之后,在未来学习一些化学知识的时候,这节课的内容同样可以有效的应用。学生在学习相关知识点的时候,需要针对具
【摘 要】在初中道德与法治课程中,运用情景案例进行教学,能够使学生从中受到更多的收获。在初中道德与法治教学中,教师要注重对学生健康心理的培养,结合教材内容中的知识对学生进行教学。在初中道德与法治课堂中,有许多关于国家法治、精神文化、社会发展方面的内容,对于这些知识,仅从书面上进行讲解,还不能使学生深刻地理解其重要价值。因此,教师要通过为学生组织课堂活动的方式,使学生在活动上能够自己探索这些问题的答
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【摘 要】新课标的教育改革背景下,中学历史教学有了更为清晰的目标和发展计划。学科史料的应用以及整体教学效率的提升显得更加重要。因此,顺应这种学科教学的时代变化,1充分挖掘学科内在资源,实现整体教学效率的提升便成了教师的主要任务。本文以此为整个研究工作的发起点详细阐述历史史料在初中历史教学中的应用。全文共分为两个部分:第一部分解读史料本身的价值;第二部分详细阐述如何发挥史料价值,提升初中历史的整体教
【摘要】2014年,财政部发布《关于全面推进管理会计体系建设的指导意见》,我国医院受到药品零加成、大型设备检查费 用降低、分级诊疗、医保支付方式改革、卫生耗材严控等政策影响,医院的发展规模受到限制,医院对成本管控的要求愈来愈强烈。随着我国公立医院改革的进一步深化,民营医院异军突起,医保支付改革迫在眉睫,公立医院在改革的大潮中面临前所 未有的机遇和挑战。最大的挑战是公立医院发展中的运营成本越来越高,