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木门扇制作中,为了使各块板形成整体,增加樘板的整体性,减小变形,拼板门及嵌板门的木樘板通常采用板边裁企口的方法。但采用这种方法制作的门扇各条板缝间还容易形成波浪式变形,并且浪费木材。针对这种情况,我们在木门扇制作中采用了销榫连接门樘板。 制作时在每块板侧面中间裁出一道宽约3.5mm,深15mm的槽(图1)。两块板拼装时,在槽内刷 In the manufacture of wooden door leaf, in order to form the whole board, the integrity of the board is increased, and the deformation is reduced. The board of the door and the door of the panel door usually adopts the method of cutting the edges of the board. However, the door panels produced by this method are also susceptible to wave-like deformation and waste of wood. In response to this situation, we have adopted a pin to connect the sill plate in the production of wooden doors. A groove with a width of about 3.5mm and a depth of 15mm was cut out in the middle of the side of each plate during the production (Fig. 1). When two plates are assembled, brush in the slot
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
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当前,热力管道已由直埋热水管道发展直埋蒸汽管道。并由城市热网向建筑小区、企事业单位的室外热力管道发展。特别适用于药厂室外热力管道的 At present, heat pipes have
本设计旨在使学生通过学习相关知识,掌握有关技能,了解掌握制作卡拉OK歌曲的方法和步骤。 The purpose of this design is to enable students to master the skills and un
中学语文教学中最难的要数作文教学了,学生也是最怕写作文了,在平时教学中,我鼓励学生们积极进行文学创作,使他们了解文学创作的诸多益处: The most difficult language tea