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搞好外地来京人员的管理工作,对于促进北京的城市建设和发展具有重要意义,因此,不仅受到市委、市政府的高度重视,也受到社会各界人士的广泛关注。1993年,北京市政协委员曾就此进行专题调研;1998年,再次进行全面的追踪调查;今年,一些委员又联名提出提案。在外来人口管理工作的诸多问题中,外来人口子女的教育问题越来越突出。它不仅涉及首都的城市管理,而且关系到保护适龄儿童少年接受义务教育的权益,维护社会的长期稳定和全面发展;既是外来人口管理中一个专项的、操作性较强的问题,又是一个具有交叉性、综合性、前瞻性的问题,需要全社会,特别是政府各部门协同运作才能解决。张人佶、张沅、罗国安、方绍明等委员正是出于这种考虑,就这一问题向政府联名提案。对于委员们提出的意见建议,市委、市政府有关部门认真研究办理,并很快给予答复。本刊特将提案和提案办理报告,以及特约背景情况的报道文章《都市边缘的“流动学校”》一并刊登,以供关心此事的广大委员和各界人士参考。 To do a good job in managing personnel from other places in Beijing is of great significance to promoting Beijing's urban construction and development. Therefore, it is not only highly valued by the municipal party committee and municipal government but also widely paid attention by people from all walks of life. In 1993, Beijing CPPCC members conducted special investigations in this regard; in 1998, they conducted a full-scale follow-up investigation again; some members proposed jointly again this year. Among the many problems concerning the management of migrant population, the education of migrant children has become more and more prominent. It involves not only the urban management of the capital but also the protection of the rights and interests of compulsory education of school-age children and adolescents to safeguard the long-term stability and overall development of society. It is not only a special and operational problem in the management of foreign population, Cross-cutting, comprehensive and forward-looking issues require the entire society, especially government departments to work together to solve it. It is precisely for this reason that Zhang Renxun, Zhang Yuan, Luo Guoan and Fang Shaoming and other members deliberated on this issue jointly with the government. The suggestions and suggestions put forward by the members of the municipal government and relevant departments of the municipal government seriously study and deal with them and give a quick reply. We hereby publish the proposals and proposals handling reports, as well as the special background of the article “mobile schools” edge of the city "published for reference for the general members and people concerned about the matter.
通过分析P.L奈尔维的几个建筑作品,进一步了解奈尔维的结构构思理论,井就结构构思的内涵以及结构构思与现代建筑、建筑师的培养等问题提出见解。 By analyzing P. L Nerve’s s
1.本文对245例门脉性肝硬化患者进行随访,观察期限最长者为31年。 2.自第一症状出现至死亡或随访时的平均病程为54.28月。第一症状出现后1年内死亡率最高,约近半数。以后则死
创伤所致的大出血缺氧,复苏后可接着出现严重的脏器衰竭综合征,死亡率很高。另一些病人则表现较轻的脏器功能不全,但它和预后的关系目前还不清楚。 有关创伤后急性肾衰和肺
六、黄疸的鉴别诊断 鉴别的意义:肝前性黄疸较少见,诊断比较容易。肝细胞性及阻塞性黄疸比较多见,二者的鉴别是非常必要的,因为在后者必须考虑手术治疗,而前者则应当采取保