Analysis of Environment for Development of Oil Refining Business in China

来源 :China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxg1112
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This articles focuses on analysis of the changing trend relating to crude supply and petroleum products demand inside China, while introducing the preliminary progress resulted from restructuring of China’s refining industry and dynamics of competition among Chinese refining enterprises. This article has made a preliminary judgment and analysis on the situation facing China’s refining industry and may serve as a reference to refiners intending to develop refining business inside China. This articles focuses on analysis of the changing trend relating to crude supply and petroleum products demand inside China, while introducing the preliminary progress due from restructuring of China’s refining industry and dynamics of competition among Chinese refining enterprises. This article has made a preliminary judgment and analysis on the situation facing China’s refining industry and may serve as a reference to refiners intending to develop refining business inside China.
Based on systematic analysis, an Integrated Plant Maintenance System(IPMS) is proposed in this paper to cope with challenges in plant maintenance. The character
摘要 电影《诺桑觉寺》改编自简·奥斯丁的同名小说,影片通过对原著多重主题的选择性解读,突显了女性教育主题。呈现了女主人公凯瑟琳在虚幻的哥特世界和现实世界中认识自我,通过对自我的教育和他人的帮助成长的故事。对现代女性的婚姻观和自我发展有着现实的社会意义。  关键词:女性教育 简·奥斯丁 婚姻观 自我发展  中图分类号:J905 文献标识码:A    20世纪末是简·奥斯丁的时代,她的六部作品不断地被
例1 男,4岁.生后即发现心脏杂音,剧烈活动后气促、发绀3年.查体:心尖搏动位于右第5肋间锁骨中线内约1.5cm,叩诊心界位于右胸,无明显扩大;胸骨右缘2~4肋间可闻及4/VI级收缩期杂音,伴震颤.心电图示窦性心律,右位心,双室肥大.X线胸片示心影不大,主动脉弓为右弓右降,右肺血偏多,左肺血少,胃位于右侧膈下。