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二〇一六年五月十七日,由中国书协主办、中国人民大学国学院和艺术学院承办的“国学修养与书法·第三届全国青年书法创作骨干高研班”在中国人民大学国学馆举行开学典礼。随后,中国书协名誉主席沈鹏与国学班学员见面,并作题为《边读边想》的首场学术讲座。六月十九日,即中国书协书法培训中心第九期导师工作室首次集中面授教学公共课程第二天,沈鹏先生来到公共课程教室看望全体学员,并作题为《学书漫谈》讲座,还与学员展开了问答交流。从讲座中,可以看出沈鹏先生深厚的国学底蕴、丰富的传统文化知识、国学与书法的融会贯通和对国学修养的重视。十月二十五日,《沈鹏草书张九龄感遇诗四首》新书发布会在北京香格里拉饭店举行。长春出版社副社长王国擎、中国书协理事、导演周祥林、中国书法出版传媒有限责任公司董事长李世俊、《中华书画家》杂志社副社长张公者及书法家张世刚、吕书庆、张智重及媒体人黄维等参加发布会并发言。草书新作《沈鹏草书张九龄感遇诗四首》长卷沈鹏先生其即兴挥写的,将草隶的宽博凝练之意与北碑的古劲险拙之趣,融注于“二王”帖系草书共性的血液之中,是其积七十余年博涉约取之功、守常思变、融会贯通的结晶。 On May 17, 2016, sponsored by the China Association of Shuxiang, Renmin University of China and the Academy of Arts hosted the “National Culture and Calligraphy · The Third National Youth Calligraphy Writing Backbone” in Renmin University of China Guoxue Museum held the opening ceremony. Subsequently, Shen Peng, Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Association of Shushen, met with the students of the Chinese-learning class and delivered the first academic lecture entitled “Reading and Thinking”. On June 19, the ninth tutor workshop of the Calligraphy Training Center of China Calligraphy Institute concentrated the first time on the second day of teaching public courses. Mr. Shen Peng came to the public class classroom to visit all the students and gave a lecture entitled “ Lectures, but also with the participants launched a Q & A exchange. From the lecture, we can see Mr. Shen Peng’s profound knowledge of Chinese culture, rich knowledge of traditional culture, mastery of Chinese culture and calligraphy, and emphasis on cultivation of Chinese culture. On October 25, a book release on ”Shen Peng’s curse Zhang Jiuling’s four poems“ was held in Beijing Shangri-la Hotel. Wang Guoting, vice president of Changchun Publishing House, director of China Shushu Association, director Zhou Xianglin, chairman of China Calligraphy Publishing and Media Company Limited Li Shijun, Zhang Gonggang, vice president of Chinese Calligraphers magazine and calligrapher Zhang Shigang, Lu Shuqing, Huang Wei and other media people attended the conference and delivered a speech. Cursive new book, ”Shen Peng cursive Zhang Jiu Ling experience four poems“ long roll Mr. Shen Peng impromptu of his writing, the grass will be broad and concise grass meaning and the North Monument of the ancient dangers of clumsy interest, into the ”two kings "Tie cursive common blood, is the product of more than seventy years of his blog about the merits, conservative thinking, mastery crystallization.